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RESOLUTION NO.2021 _ 022 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />TEXAS FORGIVING A DANGEROUS STRUCTURE ABATEMENT LIEN <br />AND SIX NUISANCE ABATEMENT LIENS ASSESSED AGAINST THE <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 338 NE 8TH STREET; FINDING A PUBLIC <br />PURPOSE IN SUPPORT OF SAME; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />WHEREAS, on November 16, 2009 a lien in the amount of $2,471.04 (including <br />interest current payoff is $7,095.82) was entered against the property located at 338 NE <br />8th Street for demolition and cleanup of a dangerous structure at the expense of the City <br />of Paris that occurred on July 8, 2009 ; and <br />WHEREAS, the City filed a lien for the expenses incurred by the City related to the <br />demolition and clean up of the property with the Lamar County Clerk's Office under lien <br />number 075122-2009; and <br />WHEREAS, the property was then owned by Floyd and Betty Gray and has been <br />inherited by their children; and <br />WHEREAS, there are six nuisance abatement liens currently filed against the <br />property from 2009 to present; and <br />WHEREAS, Ms. Elaina Thomas, the owner of adjacent property of 821 Pine Bluff, <br />would like to purchase the property from the existing owners and is requesting <br />forgiveness of the liens but is willing to pay the property taxes along with three nuisance <br />abatement liens incurred in 2020 in the amount of $888.00; and <br />WHEREAS, the lot is approximately 60' wide by 80' deep which is smaller than a <br />typical buildable lot requiring a variance to build on and Ms. Thomas would like to extend <br />her fence around it and maintain it in the future; and <br />WHEREAS, given the above, the City Council finds that there is a public purpose in <br />forgiving the $8,927.69 in liens and accrued interest on the property located at 338 NE 8th <br />Street in that the tax money would be recouped and this would alleviate the taxpayers of <br />having to further maintain the property. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS, TEXAS, THAT: <br />Section 1. The findings set out in the preamble to this resolution are hereby in all <br />things approved. <br />