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RESOLUTION NO. 2021 - 024 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />APPROVING A TWELVE (12) MONTH HIATUS IN THE ENFORCEMENT OF <br />SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE CHAPTER 9, EXHIBIT A, SECTION IX (J) <br />REGARDING THE REQUIREMENT OF CONSTRUCTING SIDEWALKS ON <br />SINGLE LOTS; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS AND <br />DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />WHEREAS, Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IX (J). Sidewalks. <br />reads as follows: <br />"J. iew Aks. Reinforced concrete sidewalks having a width of not less than four feet <br />(five feet if next to curb) and thickness of not less than four inches shall be <br />constructed on both sides of the street within the subdivision. Sidewalks shall be <br />constructed two feet from the property line within the street right-of-way and shall <br />extend along the street frontage including the side or corner lots and block ends. The <br />sidewalk shall be constructed before the final building inspection by the city. A final <br />inspection or certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the sidewalk is in place. <br />Sidewalks along perimeter streets shall be installed prior to subdivision acceptance, <br />unless otherwise specified in a developer agreement. <br />(1) Provided in Residential and Nonresidential Areas,. Sidewalks not less than <br />four feet (five feet if next to curb) shall be provided along both sides of <br />newly constructed streets. <br />(2) Provided with Reconstruction and Remodel Projects. Where a lot to be <br />developed is a previously platted lot and a new build or significant remodel affecting <br />50% of the site occurs, a sidewalk shall be constructed/replaced along the street <br />frontage of the subject lot as part of the site improvements and in accordance with <br />this ordinance. <br />(3) Provided in accordance with the City's Master Plan. All lots to be developed <br />or redeveloped shall include sidewalks and trails generally as identified in the <br />adopted Comprehensive Plan, and subject to approval by the community <br />development director or his/her designee. <br />(4) Grass orLandscape Buffer Rewired. All sidewalks shall be constructed to <br />have a grass or landscaped buffer between the street curb and the paved sidewalk. <br />Where a separation is not feasible due to terrain, obstructions, existing conditions or <br />ADA compliance, the city engineer or designee shall have authority to approve an <br />alternative design. <br />(5) ADA Co„m : 'ancg. All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the <br />Texas Accessibility Standards, or the current adopted standards for Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA) in the state of Texas. For nonresidential projects, a registered <br />accessibility specialist shall provide documentation of compliance;" and, <br />