<br />RESOLUTION NO. 87-087
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris, did in
<br />Resolution No. 87-025 on February 23, 1987, approve the
<br />advertisement for bids for furniture, equipment, landscape,
<br />plants and work and site development required for the
<br />completion of the Paris Public Library Improvement Project,
<br />identified as items C-l through C-8, D-l, T-l through T-ll,
<br />Al, BT2, DK1, DK4, F-l through F-6, described on Exhibit A
<br />attached hereto and made a part hereof, and yard sprinklers,
<br />which bids were received until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Thursday,
<br />August 20, 1987; and,
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the best bid for such furniture, equipment,
<br />landscape, plants and work and site development were as
<br />follows: Madison Company for items C-l, C-2, C-4, D-l, T-l,
<br />T-2, T-8, T-9, T-10, T-ll, Al, BT2, DK1, F-3, F-4 and F-6,
<br />totaling $34,046.14; Swaim Printing Company for items C-3,
<br />C-5, C-6, C-6A, C-8 and F-5, totaling $12,570.82, and Windy
<br />Hill Nursery for yard sprinklers, totaling $5,620.00, and
<br />they should be awarded the bid for such furniture,
<br />equipment, landscape, plants and work and site development;
<br />
<br />PARIS, that Madison Company's Bid for items C-l, C-2, C-4,
<br />D-l, T-l, T-2, T-8, T-9, T-10, T-ll, Al, BT2, DKl, F-3, F-4
<br />and F-6 in the total amount of $34,046.14, is hereby
<br />accepted and let conditioned upon said contractor meeting
<br />all of the terms and specifications included in the bid
<br />documents; and,
<br />
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Office Equipment Center's
<br />Bid for items DK4, F-l and F-2, in the total amount of
<br />$2,927.00, is hereby accepted and let conditioned upon said
<br />contractor meeting all of the terms and specifications
<br />included in the bid documents; and,
<br />
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Swaim Printing Company's
<br />Bid for items C-3, C-5, C-6, C-6A, C-8 and F-5, in the total
<br />amount of $12,570.82, is hereby accepted and let conditioned
<br />upon said contractor meeting all of the terms and specifica-
<br />tions included in the bid documents; and,
<br />
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Windy Hill Nursery's Bid
<br />for yard sprinklers, in the total amount of $5,620.00, is
<br />hereby accepted and let conditioned upon said contractor
<br />meeting all of the terms and specifications included in the
<br />bid documents.
<br />
<br />Passed and adopted this 25th day of August, 1987.
<br />