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REG ULA R MEE TING <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING <br />100 GEORGE WRIGHT HOMES <br />MINUIES OF June 15, 2 021 <br />Present at the Meeting VIA ZOOMAN OFFICT: <br />TK Haynes — Chairman of the Board of Conirnissioners (Zoom) <br />Dewayne Dangerfield — Chainnan of the Board of Cornmissioners (in office) <br />Shatara Moore --- COrnfuissioner of the Board of Commissioners (in office) <br />Sally Ruthart — Fxeetitive Director (Zoom & in office) <br />MayorPaula Portugal (Zoom) <br />Mayor Pro Tern Reginald Hughes (Zoom) <br />1. Meeting Called to, order at 12:38 piri on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, by Chairnian of the Board of <br />Commissioners, 1'. K- Haynes. <br />2. Having three Board Members present, at quorum, Mr. flaynes thanked and welcomed everyone <br />to the rneeting, <br />3. Citizef ,1ns' orum Opened and closed with no one present to speak. <br />4. Approval of the Minutes front May 18, 2021, meeting, Minutes of the meeting were approved <br />with a motion made by Ms. Moore and seconded by Mr. Dangerfield. Passed 3-0. <br />5. UNFINISHEJ) BUSINESS: NONE <br />6. NEW B1JSlNES&: <br />A. Mayor Portugal and Mayor Pro Tern Hughes requested to be on the agenda for introductions, <br />IntrodUCtiOrIS were made and Mayor Portugal and Mayor Pro Tern Hughes thanked the <br />Cormitissioners and Director for their services to the Housing Authority and the community, Mr. <br />Haynes thanked them both for attending the meeting and welcomed them back anytime, <br />B.a, Occupancy Deport— Ms. Ruttriart, discussed with the Board an ernai I received frorn Skipper <br />Steely stating his wishes that the George Wright name be removed from the I lousing Authority <br />property once again, Ms. Ruthart also inf'ormed the Board of a visit that was made to the Housing <br />Authority by a City employee who requested a niap of` George Wright Hornes stating that the <br />addresses needed to be changed for 911 purposes, Section 8 has 280 current assisted vouchers and <br />18 people with vouchers searching for units. The Section 8 Waiting List has 33 people on it. <br />Publiel-10LISing has 10 vacancies of which 3 will. be moved in this week, Public Housing waiting <br />list has 51 on the one -bedroom list, 7 on the 2 -bedroom list, and 3 on the 3 -bedroom list, <br />b. Financial Report was reported to the Board with bank statements for P11 and Section 8. Ending <br />batik statement balances for May 2021 - Public Housing - $326,954.49 Section 8 - $555,263,74. <br />c. Ms. Ruthart informed the Board of Comm issioners that the Section 8 waiting list will be <br />opened on June 25, 2021 and accept the first 125 applications starting at 8:00 am, <br />7. RESOLUTIONS: <br />2020-011 Write-offs for FYE 06/30/2021 <br />.Motion made by Ms. Moore acrd seconded by Mr. Danperfield, Motion passed 3-0. <br />2020-012 Auditor 2 -year Contract FYE's 06/30/202 1 & 06/30/2022 <br />Motion made by Ms. Moore and seconded by Mr. Darigerfield. Motion passed 3-0. <br />