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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF WORK <br />The following Economic Development Plan of Work presents seven strategic initiatives and several key objectives <br />designed to support the Paris Economic Development Corporation in achieving its mission to create and retain jobs and <br />talent for Paris and Lamar County. This plan will be implemented over the next two years and is based on the <br />recommendations of staff, input from City Council and the work from the following PEDC committees: Incentive Review <br />Committee, Land Committee, and Marketing Committee. Note: It is the Executive Director's recommendation that once <br />these strategic initiatives are completed, the plan be updated to include focused initiatives that emphasize retaining and <br />attracting talent. While creation and retention of jobs are the organization's core activities, retention and attraction of <br />talent significantly impact our efforts and ability to be successful. Additionally, the role of economic developers <br />continues to evolve, and it is becoming commonplace for economic development organizations to take a more active <br />role in supporting initiatives focused on talent, quality of life, residential housing and more. <br />Authors: <br />Executive Director, Maureen Hammond <br />Board Chairperson, Josh Bray <br />Vice Chairperson, Shay Bills <br />Secretary/Treasurer, Mihir Pankaj <br />Board Member, Chase Coleman <br />Board Member, Curtis Fendley <br />Board Member, AJ Hashmi <br />Board Member, Stephen Terrell <br />Econ. Dev. Associate, Chris Stout <br />STRATEGIC INITIATIVES <br />To meet the expectations driven by our purpose and outlined in our mission statement, we have established a broad set <br />of strategic initiatives that will help guide our activity. These strategic initiatives are as follows: <br />Foster the retention and growth of jobs <br />II. Attract new employers and industry <br />III. Cultivate an entrepreneurial ecosystem <br />IV. Support workforce development programming <br />V. Manage and expand the community's land and building assets <br />VI. Encourage unified vision for Paris, Lamar County and the PEDC <br />VII. Explore Internal and external funding mechanisms <br />