<br />MVCPA Taskforce Grant Applij,
<br />The City of Paris - Northeast Texas Auto Theft Force is a small two-man task force covering a large (9) nine county coverage area
<br />that is mainly rural in composition( est. population of 475,060 2019 UCR), The detectives commonly work with investigators with
<br />Lamar, Red River, Fannin, Titus, Hunt, and Hopkins counties. The coverage area is comprised of (5) five counties that border
<br />Texas and Oklahoma. Task force detectives maintains a good working relationship with Oklahoma authorities ( Choctaw Co, Bryar
<br />Co, McCurtain Co, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, and Tribal Police) to help recover stolen vehicles/ trailers transported out of Texas
<br />into Oklahoma.
<br />Both task force detectives are full time licensed peace officers, The Senior Detective has a total of 19yrs in law enforcement and
<br />over 10yrs in auto theft investigations with specialized training in auto theft investigations. Both detectives spend 100% of their time
<br />investigating auto theft, burglary of motor vehicles, auto theft prevention, and covert operations to deter burglary of vehicles and
<br />theft of vehicles. The detectives' duties also include DMV 68-A Inspections for the residents of the (9) counties in the coverage
<br />area as well as other counties when time permits. The task force will assist in educating the public on how to prevent auto theft and
<br />deter burglary of motor vehicles. The education of the public, combined with law enforcement action, should help reduce overall
<br />rates of auto theft and burglary of motor vehicles.
<br />1.2 Describe the tskforce goveming, organization and command structures. Include a description of the nature of support and
<br />agreements that will be in place if the grant is awarded. Provide any details unique to the taskforce organization or geographical
<br />target area. Describe whether any part of this grant will be directed to serve a specific target population (or subset of the
<br />community)?
<br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force has been able to retain highly trained auto crimes investigators who have been
<br />assigned to the task force since 2011. The detectives have developed professional relationships with law enforcement agencies,
<br />citizens, business owners, and industries inside and out of the coverage area. The task force maintains these working relationships
<br />and continues to develop new ones with the rising community growth.
<br />It is the intent of the Northeast Auto Theft Task Force, through this application, to continue to serve the citizens of our community
<br />and state by carrying out the following programs made possible by Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority. The task force
<br />investigators devote majority of their time to locate and recover stolen vehicles , conduct investigations, prepare cases for
<br />prosecution, and arresting persons responsible for committing these type offenses. The detectives are also involved with educating
<br />the public through community events, presentations, and distribution of literature to help teach the public how to limit the possibility
<br />of being a victim. The detectives also make routine inspections on salvage yards, auto repair shops, metal recyclers, and conduct
<br />DMV 68-A inspections to help reduce the amount stolen vehicles being transferred.
<br />The program has positive effected the community of law enforcement as well as the citizens. Law enforcement agencies from
<br />Texas DPS , Sheriffs Offices, District Attorney's Offices, and local municipal police departments the Northeast Texas Auto Theft
<br />Task Force that can help with identification of vehicles and assisting with preparing a case for prosecution. The citizens know they
<br />have knowledgeable detectives with their best interests in mind. Who can assist them with recovering their property, and helping
<br />them through the DMV registration process. Continuing this program is an asset to the public as well as the law enforcement
<br />community.
<br />Grant Problem Statement
<br />2.1 Provide an assessment of the burglary from a motor vehicle (including theft of parts) problem in the coverage area of this
<br />application. Include loss data consistent with the reported incident numbers above.
<br />The participation area of the program for the Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force ( Lamar Co and its municipalities) had a total
<br />of 161 burglary of motor vehicles reported in 2019 with total loss of $90,350 (UCR) and 163 in 2020 with a total loss of $99,159
<br />(UCR). The majority of these crimes are committed in residential neighborhoods, apartment complexes, and large parking lots.
<br />These crimes are random and typically the suspects search for unlocked vehicles. Security cameras have captured several
<br />suspects being dropped off by a vehicle in a neighborhood and walking the streets searching for unlocked vehicles. The suspects
<br />will travel to different areas quickly, making it difficult to predict locations where the crimes will occur.
<br />During these crimes personal items, money, personal identification, and firearms are most frequently taken. There are incidents
<br />where keys are left in a vehicle, resulting in a theft of a motor vehicle. Suspects use the stolen vehicles, personal identification, and
<br />firearms to commit other crimes as well. The task force detectives have interviewed arrested burglary suspects and learned that
<br />some suspects are only looking for firearms. These firearms are sold, traded for narcotics, and used to commit other violent
<br />crimes. In Burglary of motor vehicle crimes suspects also take financial information to commit identity theft.
<br />In 2019 through 2020 the Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force combined with Homeland Security conducted an investigation
<br />where suspects were identified and arrested associated with the Felony Lane Gang. This gang originated from Florida, but travel
<br />the United States committing burglary of motor vehicles solely to take personal and financial information. Dubbed the Felony Lane
<br />Gang since they use the furthest lane at banks to cash forged checks using stolen identities taken from vehicles. The information
<br />stolen has also been used to purchase vehicles as well to register the vehicle under a victim's name to avoid detection.
<br />2.2 Provide an assessment of the motor vehicle theft problem in the coverage area of this application. Include loss data consistent with
<br />the reported incident numbers above,
<br />https://abtpa.tamu.edu/ApplicationfrFGApplication.asp?GranteelD=17&ApplD=188&FIscalYear--2022 4/11
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