<br />MVCPA Taskforce Grant Applica,-
<br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force detectives feel that the first thing in preventing a crime is to educate the citizens how
<br />not to become a victim. The task force will place ads , literature, conduct speaking events, attend community events, and place
<br />signage in highly trafficked areas to help educate and remind the public of the importance of securing their belongings and locking
<br />their vehicles.
<br />It has been the experience of the task force detectives that most people feel secure in their homes and property. This leads to
<br />complacency in some cases where the person forgets or feels there is no need to lock their vehicle and homes, Thus leading to
<br />suspects taking advantage of the victim by burglarizing their vehicles, homes , and stealing their motor vehicle. The task force
<br />detectives believe educating the public on ways to prevent these type crimes will help reduce the amount of burglary of motor
<br />vehicles , theft of firearms, theft of auto parts, identity theft, and theft of motor vehicles.
<br />The task force detectives will continue to coordinate with program area law enforcement agencies , NICB, DPS , Oklahoma law
<br />enforcement, as well task forces across the state to identify trends in burglary of vehicles , auto parts thefts, vehicle fraud cases ,
<br />and theft of motor vehicles. The task force will continue conduct covert operations , deploy bait vehicles , bait trailers, and continue
<br />the use of the license plate reader system currently in place in the participating area.
<br />The task force will continue to educate the public in how to research a vehicle in order to avoid a title fraud incident, and to educate
<br />the public on the services available to them to avoid purchasing a stolen vehicle.
<br />3.5 Functions of the proposed program for other motor vehicle crimes investigations and activities consistent with the statutory
<br />requirements (preventing stolen vehicles from entering Mexico, stopping illegal export of stolen vehicle from bridge/ outbound port
<br />operations, disruption of cartel or organized criminal enterprises using stolen motor vehicles or fraud related motor vehicle crime,
<br />insurance fraud, etc...)
<br />The program area is not located near or around U.S. border or a port of entry/exit. The program area does have (5) five counties
<br />along the Texas and Oklahoma border where stolen property frequently enters and leaves the state. The task force detectives will
<br />continue to have a working relationship with Oklahoma State and local law enforcement as well the area Tribal Police. These
<br />relationships will strengthen the ability to identify criminal organizations, offenders, and recover stolen vehicles and property from
<br />vehicles.
<br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force spends majority of its time investigating auto thefts , burglary of motor vehicles,
<br />building criminal cases and arresting suspects committing these offenses. Investigations of these type cases sometimes leads to
<br />an investigation into insurance fraud , identity theft, false reports, and arson. The task force detectives will continue to work with
<br />NICB investigators, insurance companies, District Attorney's offices, and DMV investigators to help deter and prosecute offenders
<br />who commit insurance and title fraud.
<br />The task force detectives will continue to use information from informants, local law enforcement, covert operations, and
<br />surveillance operations to identify organized criminal organizations who frequently use or steal motor vehicles as part of their
<br />criminal organization. This includes those organizations who commit burglaries of motor vehicles to obtain personal identification,
<br />then use that information to purchase a vehicle fraudulently, as well as include those organizations who sell a stolen vehicle using
<br />fraudulent vehicle and title information.
<br />3.6 Collaboration Effort -- Describe the taskforce method to collaborate, and not duplicate existing activities. Describe the cross
<br />boundaries regional approach to grant activity implementation. Describe how the applicant staff and jurisdiction will coordinate with
<br />other taskforces and law enforcement agencies to implement this program.
<br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force have established relationships with local , state, federal, Oklahoma State/local, and
<br />Tribal Police agencies and are often contacted for our services. The task force detectives are often asked to assist when there are
<br />stolen / burned /dismantled vehicles, stolen trailers, ATVs , or farming equipment involved. The task force detectives are often
<br />contacted to assist in the execution of search warrants where the above items are believed to be located. During these operations
<br />stolen vehicles , motor vehicle component parts, ATVs , trailers, and fraudulent documents have been located.
<br />The task force is not overlapped by any other task force, but does keep a working relationship with other task forces throughout the
<br />state. This is to provide information and assistance to their task forces as well as to assist the Northeast Texas Auto theft Task
<br />Force. The task force will assist other agencies and task forces with the collection and procession of evidence, obtaining
<br />information on possible suspects located in our program area, and the detection and locating stolen vehicles and property. The
<br />task force has and will work with other funded task forces with covert operations occurring in their program areas.
<br />The task force also maintains a relationship with local and regional DMV offices and supervisors to assist them with their needs.
<br />3.7 If the proposed application requests any exceptions or deviation from any general grant rules, RFA conditions or grant
<br />administrative policy, please indicate in the section below. Indicate the section of the specific issue and citation that you are asking
<br />the MVCPA to consider and the rational for the request.
<br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is a small (2) detective operation. We provide services for (9) nine counties with an
<br />approximate population of 475,000 residents. Due to a recent promotion of one of the detectives, the task will be looking to fill the
<br />vacant position. This process may take some time due to the shortages of potential candidates! officers. In the event the task force
<br />is unable to fill the position in a reasonable time we will be seeking to fill the position will an officer or deputy from an agency inside
<br />the program area. This will ensure that the task force can meet its obligations.
<br />Part 11
<br />https:flabtpa.tamu.edu/ApplicabonfTFGApplicabon.asp?GranteelD=l 7&ApplD=188&FiscalYear=2022 7111
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