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Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Jerry Haning asks if Mr. Floyd's recollection of him obtaining the permit and the direction he was <br />given is correct. Staff member Paige Unger says that it was correct and when issuing the permit <br />she had misinterpreted the plat and instead of directing him to set the fence 10' off of the property <br />line she and the Building Official at the time had directed him to set it 10' off the back of the curb. <br />It was later after the fence had been constructed and inspected that the error was discovered once <br />the City started receiving complaints. <br />William Sanders confirms that the fence permit was in fact approved before it was constructed to <br />which staff member Paige Unger confirms it was. <br />RuthAnn states that even though the fence was approved it has now come to the board for a <br />variance and the matter of safety needs to be considered. <br />Larry Walker asks what the variance is for in reference to the fence. RuthAnn clarifies that the <br />variance is to allow the fence to remain as is or the board also has the option to approve it with the <br />conditions presented by the city. Chance Floyd then marked on an aerial view map to help the <br />board visualize what is proposed. While doing so Mr. Floyd explained that if he were to remove <br />part of the fence to create this diagonal, his fence would be about only 10' away from his house <br />and the whole purpose of the fence for his kids to have room to play would be irrelevant. <br />Andrew Mack states that if the board were to approve the variance with the recommended <br />condition that he or someone from the city would go and meet with Mr. Floyd to verify the <br />measurements since they have not been applied in the field yet. <br />Motion was made by Chris Fitzgerald, seconded by Larry Walker to approve the variance to <br />Zoning Ordinance, Section 9-501 of the Area Regulations to allow the fence to remain on the <br />property line. In the Board's approval of the variance request, there were no findings of fact or <br />conditions. Motion carried 4:1, with William Sanders as the dissenting vote. <br />Public hearing to consider and take action on the petition of Audrey Bills, on Lot 10, City <br />Block 74-A, being located at 824 NE 3rd Street. <br />The applicant requests a variance of Section 9-501 Area Regulation of the Zoning Ordinance which <br />provides as follows: <br />9-501 (1) Schedule minimum front yards- Residential districts. <br />2F minimum front yard- 25' <br />The applicant is proposing to construct a carport in the side yard in line with the existing home with a 22' <br />front yard setback versus the required 25' setback. The applicant is requesting a 3' variance to allow the <br />proposed carport to be built with a 22' front yard in line with the existing home. <br />