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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS TEXAS <br />MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20 2021 5:30 P.M. <br />1. Call meeting to order and welcome remarks by Commission Chairperson Alix Putnam. <br />Chairperson Alix Putnam called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />2. Roll Call. <br />Members present were Alix Putnam, Syble Bills, Brenda Cherry, Matthew Coyle, Lydia <br />Fitzgerald, Jessica Holtman, Reeves Hayter, Linda Kapp, Stacy Ladell, Chad Lindsey, James Mitchell, <br />Taisley Scroggin, and Kenneth Webb. <br />Also present were Don Edmonds, Consultant; Paula Portugal, Mayor; Grayson Path, City Manager <br />and Janice Ellis, City Clerk. <br />Members absent were Connie Dodd and David House. <br />3. Remarks by Mayor Paula Portugal. <br />Mayor Portugal expressed appreciation to the Committee Members for volunteering their time to <br />serve on this very important project. <br />4. Receive Citizen's input. <br />Chairperson Putnam asked for anyone wishing to speak on any of the items on the agenda, to <br />please come forward. With no one speaking, Ms. Putnam closed the forum. <br />5. Introduction of Commission Members, City Staff and Consultant. <br />Chairperson Putnam asked the Committee to introduce themselves, including where they worked, <br />where they were born and their favorite cookie. <br />6. Consider election of a Vice -Chairperson. <br />Chairperson Putnam opened the floor for nominations for Vice -Chairperson. Jessica Holtman <br />nominated Reeves Hayter. Chairperson Putnam asked for other nominations and there being none, <br />she closed the floor for nominations. Chairperson Putnam asked for a vote and the Committee voted <br />unanimously that Reeve Hayter would serve as Vice -Chairperson. <br />