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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />Tuesday, August 17, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Discuss and Consider Anroval of the July 2021 Financial Statements <br />Mr. Coleman reported on financials ending July 2021. He stated cash and cash equivalents are approximately $2 <br />million and investments are at $2.1 million. Mr. Coleman added that the PEDC's net position is approximately <br />$5.2 million, and year to date the organization has recognized approximately $1.5 million in sales tax revenue and <br />total expenses of $1.1 million. Mr. Roddy made a motion to approve the July 2021 Financials. Mr. Fendley <br />seconded the motion. Vote was 5 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and Consider A proval of the Contract for Jobs E Subscription A reement <br />Ms. Hammond reported on the Jobs EQ Subscription Agreement and referred board members to the agreement <br />in the packet. She noted that the organization utilizes several data tools to respond to RFPs, prepare information <br />for prospects and analyze trends and proposed engaging Chmura for their Jobs EQ platform, citing the following <br />key points: <br />Gale is the current platform used by the organization on a one-year agreement at approximately $5,000 <br />per year and set to end in the coming months. <br />JobsEQ provides an online database that can supply more comprehensive labor and meets the <br />organization's current needs for proposals, planning, etc. <br />JobsEQ will allow for customization of labor data and statistics to specified parameters for the entire state <br />of Texas. <br />Ms. Hammond proposed ending current contract with Gale and entering new one year contract agreement with <br />JobsEQ at approximately $6,200 a year. Following discussion, Mr. Fendley made a motion to approve and Mr, <br />Coleman seconded the motion. Vote was 5 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and Consider Action on Updates from Land Committee <br />Ms. Hammond provided the following updates: <br />As part of the committee's goal to make PEDC sites "site -ready," staff has continued to make progress on <br />environmental reports on PEDC-owned properties. All properties owned by the PEDC are currently free of <br />environmental issues. <br />As another part of the "site -ready" process, staff is now taking steps to rezone 12 parcels totaling roughly <br />150 acres within 30 to 60 days. <br />Discuss and Consider Action on Updates from MarketiCommittee <br />Ms. Hammond said the Marketing Committee has held four meetings to date. She added that the committee has <br />focused on establishing board member liaisons to industry and has hosted four industry meetings to date. Ms. <br />Hammond added that the committee has also worked on a social media strategy intended to increase <br />transparency and develop awareness on PEDC activities, mission, and accomplishments. Ms. Hammond stated <br />that since July, the organization's Facebook page alone has reached an estimated 5,000 individuals and had 1,400 <br />engagements. <br />Discuss and_AfaFaoint a Polic Review Committee <br />Mr. Bray discussed the need to evaluate the organization's policy and procedures due to the time elapsed since <br />last review in addition to offering clear guidance to staff. Following discussion, Mr. Bray appointed Dr. Hashmi, <br />Mr. Mark Homer, and Mr. Erik Roddy to the Policy Review Committee. Mr. Fendley made a motion to approve. <br />Mr. Coleman seconded the motion. Vote was 5 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />