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Regular Council Meeting <br />October 25, 2021 <br />Page 7 <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pankaj and seconded by <br />Council Member Pilgrim. Motion carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />21. Received presentation on third party EMS billing, and provide direction to staff. <br />Mr. Path explained this was a new and big project and explained the City of Paris was <br />unique in that it does its own billing for ambulance services. Mr. Path said ten years with two <br />EMS billing staff members was doable, but this year the City projects over 10,000 calls. After <br />speaking with staff, it was decided that we needed to do something. He said there were several <br />third party EMS Billing services but the identified leader and most qualified service they found <br />was Emergicon, LLC. Mr. Path reviewed their experience and services. He said the next aspect <br />was procurement and while doing research, they learned that communities in the Dallas metro <br />had formed interlocal agreements with one another in order to gain access to already -bid pricing <br />without having to go through the costly, time consuming and unpredictable process themselves. <br />Mr. Path said they spoke with several cities and stated that the City of Coppell procured for EMS <br />Billing Serivices and awarded it to Emergicon. Mr. Path also said city staff reached out to the <br />City of Coppell who gave permission to pursue an Interlocal Agreement with them, which would <br />give the City access to their Emericon, LLC proposal and agreement. Mr. Path said if the City of <br />Paris wishes to enter into an Interlocal Agreement that a Resolution would need to be passed <br />stating such. Mr. Path said the purpose of tonight was to introduce this topic and seek approval. <br />He stated that staff could bring the documents back to City Council at their November Stn <br />meeting. <br />Mayor Portugal inquired if the rates would increase to Coppell rates, and Mr. Path <br />answered in the affirmative. Mayor Portugal also inquired about Medicare rates. EMS Director <br />Russell Thrasher said Medicare paid a fixed rate. Mayor Portugal asked about the number of <br />calls related to billers. Mr. Thrasher reported the City had two primary billers that could handle <br />the runs when they were about 5,000 a year but now they are running close to 10,000 a year and <br />normally you would have five billers for that amount of calls. He explained the billers work on <br />weekends and holidays in order to stay caught up. Mayor Portugal said she liked the idea of <br />outsourcing and that the two ladies could work in other departments. Council Member Pilgrim <br />said the EMS was cash deficient and to continue to have our own EMS that it needed to be able <br />to at least pay for itself. Council Member Stone said you have to do what is necessary. <br />It was a consensus of City Council to move toward third party EMS billing. <br />22. Convene into Executive Session pursuant to: <br />A. Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, Consultation with Attorney, to <br />receive legal advice from the City Attorney about (1) pending or contemplated <br />litigation and/or (2) on matters in which the duty of an attorney to her client under the <br />Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly <br />conflict with this chapter, as follows: Ground Lease Hangar A-7. <br />