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NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION <br />To the Registered Voters of the City of Paris, Texas: <br />Notice is herby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 <br />p.m. on May 14, 2011, for voting in the special election for the purpose of considering the <br />following proposed amendments to the City Charter: <br />Proposition 1: Amend Section 16, "Number, selection, term," to change the term limits for <br />city council members in order to provide continuity for the community, so that the first <br />sentence of the last paragraph shall read as follows: <br />The members of the city council shall serve not more than three consecutive two-year <br />terms, after which two years must pass before they are again eligible to serve on the council". <br />Proposition 2: Amend Section 35, "Independent annual audit," to be more consistent with <br />state law by allowing the city to enter a multi-year contract with a certified public <br />accountant to conduct the annual audit, so that the first sentence of Section 35 shall be <br />amended to read as follows: <br />The city council shall designate a certified public accountant to conduct an <br />independent audit of the City's financial records each fiscal year and report their <br />findings to the City Council. Selection of the certified public account shall be in <br />compliance with state law dealing the procurement of professional services. The <br />Council may contract with the certified public accountant to perform financial <br />audit services far more than one year. <br />All qualified voters residing within the geographic boundaries of the City of Paris may vote <br />in the special election. <br />LOCATION OF THE POLLING PLACES: <br />District No. 1: Red River Valley Fair Grounds, 570 E. Center Street, Paris, TX <br />District No. 2: Thomas Justiss Elementary School, 401 N.W.18Ih Street, Paris, TX <br />District No. 3: Paris Alternative School for Success (formerly Travis Jr. High School), 3270 <br />Graham St., Paris, TX <br />District No. 4: Cecil Everett Elementary School (North Lamar), 3201 Lewis Lane, Paris, TX <br />District No. 5: Lamar County Courthouse Annex, 231 Lamar Avenue, Paris, TX <br />District No. 6: Paris Jr. College Applied Technology Bldg., 2400 Clarksville Street, Paris, TX <br />District No. 7: Ramseur Baptist Church, 3400 Lamar Ave., Paris, TX <br />1 <br />