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(c) The principal amount of the debt obligations to be authorized is set forth in Sections 2 and <br />3 hereof. <br />(d) As set forth in Sections 2 and 3 hereof, if the bonds are approved by the voters, the City <br />Council will be authorized to levy annual ad valorem taxes, on all taxable property in the City, <br />sufficient, without limit as to rate or amount, to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and <br />the cost of any credit agreements executed in connection with the bonds. <br />(e) Based upon the bond market conditions at the date of adoption of this resolution, the <br />maximum interest rate for any series of the bonds is estimated to be 4% as calculated in <br />accordance with applicable law. Such estimate takes into account a number of factors, including <br />the issuance schedule, maturity schedule and the expected bond ratings of the proposed bonds. <br />Such estimated maximum interest rate is provided as a matter of information, but is not a <br />limitation on the interest rate at which the bonds, or any series thereof, may be sold. <br />(f) As set forth in Section 2 hereof, if the bonds are approved, they may be issued in one or <br />more series, to mature serially, over a period not to exceed 20 years. <br />(g) The aggregate amount of the outstanding principal of the City's debt obligations as defined <br />in Section 3.009, Texas Election Code (all of which are secured by a limited tax levied for debt <br />service purposes), as of the beginning of the City's 2016 -17 fiscal year is $43,215,000. <br />(h) The aggregate amount of the outstanding interest of the City's debt obligations as defined in <br />Section 3.009, Texas Election Code (all of which are secured by a limited tax levied for debt <br />service purposes), as of the beginning of the City's 2016 -17 fiscal year is $16,180,890.13. <br />(i) The ad valorem debt service tax rate for the City for the 2016 -17 fiscal year is $0.07752 per <br />$100 of taxable assessed valuation. <br />Section 14. The meeting at which this Resolution was passed was conducted in strict <br />compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551. <br />Section 15. This Resolution shall be effective immediately from and after its passage. <br />