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Minutes <br />Traffic Commission <br />City of Paris <br />The Traffic Commission met on Tuesday October 05, 2021 at 5:15 P.M. in the <br />City Council Chambers 107 E. Kaufman with the following members present: <br />1. John Darst <br />2. Wendell Moore (arrived at 5:18) <br />3. John Eyler <br />4. Sandi Kear <br />5. Michael "Mickey" Ellis <br />6. Tony Clark <br />7. Lloyd Fry <br />Absent: None <br />The city staff was represented by Asst. Chief Randy Tuttle. <br />Chairperson John Eyler called the meeting to order at 5:15pm. A quorum was <br />established with six members present. Mr. Moore arrived at 5:18pm. Sandi Kear <br />was introduced to members as a new member of the board prior to beginning of <br />the meeting. Her term expires June 30, 2024. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #2 regarding approval of minutes from June 01, <br />2021 meeting. Mr. Darst made a motion to approve the minutes and it was <br />second by Mr. Clark. Motion passed 6-0. <br />At 5:16pm Mr. Eyler called for a recess until 5:30pm. <br />At 5:30pm Mr. Eyler called the Traffic Commission to order. At 5:31 pm. Mayor <br />Portugal then called the Main Street Advisory Board and City Council to order for <br />a joint session meeting. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #3 regarding citizen input of agenda item #4 <br />concerning the downtown traffic plan. No one spoke during the citizen input. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #4 regarding presentation, discussion, and possible <br />action concerning the downtown traffic plan. City Planner Andrew Mack made a <br />presentation outlining the plan to do a temporary study by placing traffic lights in <br />the downtown area on flashing red and installing stop signs at those <br />intersections. Mr. Mack informed all that the Toole Design Group Downtown <br />Vision Plan recommended stop signs be placed in the downtown area to replace <br />traffic signals. Working with Texas Department of Transportation, Mr. Mack <br />