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Form 2044 (Rev. 8/21) <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />Inasmuch as this project is on the Federal -Aid highway system, the following additional requirements as <br />applicable with the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710.105. <br />1. Any significant revision in the design or construction of the facility shall receive prior approval by the <br />Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrency by the FHWA. <br />2. Any change in the authorized use of real property interest shall receive prior approval by the Texas <br />Department of Transportation subject to concurrence by the FHWA. <br />3. Real property interest shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to another party without prior <br />Texas Department of Transportation approval subject to concurrence by the FHWA. <br />4. This agreement will be revocable in the event that the real property interest facility ceases to be used <br />or is abandoned. <br />