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Explanatory Note: Containing approximately 3,000 words, Article XI is unnecessarily <br />extensive and largely overstates the current ability of the city council to regulate rates of <br />utilities, other than those owned by the city. It was not considered feasible to simply <br />amend the current provisions. As result of this finding, there is proposed a complete <br />revision of the Article, running to about 900 words, that will still speak effectively to this <br />important function. <br />ARTICLE XII. GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />Sec. 142. Provisions relating to assignment, execution and garnishment. <br />The property, real and personal, belonging to the city shall not be liable to be sold or <br />appropriated under any writ of execution or cost bill. The funds belonging to the city, in <br />the hands of any person, firm or corporation, shall not be liable to garnishment, <br />attachment, or sequestration; nor shall the city be liable to garnishment on account of any <br />debt it may owe or funds or property it may have on hand or owing to any person. Neither <br />the city nor any of its officers or agents shall be required to answer any such writ of <br />garnishment on any account whatever. The city shall not be obligated to recognize any <br />assignment of wages or funds by its employees, agents or contractors except t by « oft«�1�l! <br />d�V o �"lll <br />or as «rbly ;�faate law, <br />Explanatory Note: As a result of state regulation and court rulings, cities are no longer <br />entirely exempt from having an employee's salary garnished. <br />It is«:ioi:°i SII,::::::« iu: i <br />hs SII°.:«viii'tg: , wi i indivi it,:i i is u,,efer: ed to iiu:::i pi g,« n,4_gj)dgE, <br />it stiall be nized as f i :ii:: i u u . pil... p :i . ip..... <br />Sv9 11 p, °' r 0 � r lr „ ,�, r,,, r„ �, ✓, r�.,"v r r v,,, r <br />r � ,our, rr; ll,a, rl,U rt,,r a � rJq+,,l pr, 1 � r' !> .y (q,iyra� ( �rrP �«!J r// ri/r dNUli rrll (lure rr/r!, <br />,� n �. li �� �:: p, ��,«««,�«�al�r�««J«��� �l �plrr�r� �r l�, � 11«la««««"ru,�«�l�fJ ��p <br />°1111«11,/Plllll Ji !'r',➢IIIII, o`/f`IP °rlh',"re,'"r il,"lllc!„ <br />r ,,, r s J r,„ N „ « ,,„ „W,, ," ,,,, <br />iu f 1+'rr (/ ! ,l rJ / // p/4 f„f, 'I Jur, r r, n/, / a / ;(rrf <br />��l,lrr,,,,,, J�«p„��` «�r,,,�«aluli�,«I r,lf�,«1111 !d„,«,�l fel «�Ir«rr,«IIIi�F,,, ��«i�'llrr��lcl!/ r G,"ly,rr,,, «,�,llp,t r„«��cllllila” «�J per «,cel«� p�««�r,r„llrr�rlill�,,,, <br />pr llr,,, 1>Y,"hit Clr,l' pilJ/rF/orr("«"«I"il 0 pll1%Jl'1},„Ilr!/ilrrJ/'aOIJ!EY <br />(( dIlC«bJllu `(l/!1p� il/1Jpfa lr /o(l,sr«!l„i,�,JGp frlf(p («rr <br />al,fl'lllwmiiYl+IJJIGYrll,elDll�°i ip0''Y/(/"ll +',,t %,,, <br />” �U, .� o:,;lr r. ,,,,,ul, l:::ar,r ,i,,,,. r,"r�, d:a. r,/ U;,e. ,/„s,:lr/v! r ,Joo r,!/, r” r t-r"'Irr"..«;, ,,,. r++6`. rr r`. �f�„ `fr r�"",Cfk rU y,,r„� ry,r"�.. <br />>�ru,,,� 1,�,� or"IlGlll,lllllllGe✓fl« �J�/� 111/Irllr�ll �f�Ullo/G�ll�llr� ll �,p�.11 �"�/GII� ���„« �1lJ,JDlllll �2U�ilIIGC�I«9,r f�&IrU���lGo�IG!"Ullll�,x ��(n+«rorl�rhlllw/I «r�111E�ap ���� <br />«,,irl«I/Jv, 11«rr'u'!Irr,, rrrprlr rrlr ,lr «r Icrlyc Ic;Ji m IG �rrlirlarrr as /rrlpl/zwlillole/«fr r«ppl oplllJr+«Vile, <br />W7► <br />