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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION, <br />326 SOUTH MAIN STREET <br />PARIS TEXAS <br />MONDAY NOVEMBER 1 2021 5:30 P.M. <br />1. Call meeting to order by Chairperson Alix Putnam. <br />Chairperson Alix Putnam called the meeting to order at 5.49 p.m. <br />2. Roll call and declaration of a quorum. <br />Members present were Alix Putnam, Brenda Cherry, Connie Dodd, Reeves Hayter, Stacy <br />Ladell, Linda Kapp, Chad Lindsey, and Kenneth Webb. <br />Also present were Don Edmonds, Consultant; Grayson Path, City Manager; Stephanie <br />Harris, City Attorney; Gene Anderson, Finance Director; and Janice Ellis, City Clerk. <br />Members absent were Mickey Allen, Tasiley Scroggin, Syble Bills, Matthew Coyle, <br />Lydia Fitzgerald, and David House. <br />3. Receive citizen input. <br />(Unless an item is posted on the agenda, the Texas Open Meeting Act prohibits the <br />Commission from responding to any comments) <br />Chairperson Alix Putnam asked that anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item to please <br />come forward. With no one speaking, Ms. Putnam closed the forum. <br />4. Consider approval of the minutes of the Commission meeting of October 18, 2021. <br />Chairperson Alix Putnam asked for a Motion to approve the minutes. A Motion to <br />approve the minutes was made by Kenneth Webb and seconded by Linda Kapp and Chad <br />Lindsey. Motion carried unanimously. <br />5. Consider a commentary and recommendations by the Consultant in connection with <br />Section 16 -and the election of the mayor. <br />Consultant Don Edmonds said this was the third time this item had been considered by a <br />charter review commission. He said the commission needed to first decide if they wanted to <br />recommend that the mayor be elected at large. <br />Chairperson Alix Putnam asked for discussion on this item. Mr. Webb said they had <br />decided they were not going to pay the mayor nor council members and that the mayor had no <br />more power than the council members. He questioned as to why they should change it. City <br />Attorney Stephanie Harris explained the role of the mayor in instances of disasters, public health <br />emergency, such as Covid. Ms. Cherry favored the idea of allowing the people to vote for who <br />