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was on the Council for two years and then ran and was elected to serve as Mayor, he or she could <br />conceivably be Mayor for six years if elected.. City Manager Grayson Path explained that if a <br />sitting Council Member ran forMayor that it would be an automatic resignation from the Council <br />seat. Mr. Path said. the staff and r. Edmonds had conferred about this subject and felt this was <br />ttie fia-ir way to handle it, lie asked the canunission members if they had any better ideas, to please <br />share those ideas because he didnot want the City to get into a bad situation. over elections. Mr. <br />Lindsey said. he agreed, that, staff had given a lot of t1kought to this and had come up with scenarios <br />that he never thought of Mr. Path also said thetnayor -would be elected in odd number years, with <br />two ternis and. would serve not more than three consecutive two.. -year terms. <br />A.Motion to approve the language for election of mayor at, largewas made by Chad Lindsey <br />and seconded lay 'Paisley Scroggin. Motion earned, 10 ayes — Inay, with Kenneth Webb casting <br />the dissenting vote. <br />Mr. Edmonds asked if anyone had questions about Section 17. 'rhere being none, aMotion <br />to approve Section 17 as written was armada by Reeves Hayter and seconded by Chad Lindsey., <br />Motion carried, 10 ayes — I nay, with Kemieth Webb casting the dissenting vote. <br />Mr. Edynond-s asked if anyone had questions about Section. 19. There being none, a Motion. <br />to approve Section 19 vas made by Chad Lindsey and seconded 1by Matt Coyle. Motion carried, <br />10 ayes — 1 nay, with Kenneth Webb casting the dissenting vote. <br />David House to the meeting at 6:00 p.m. <br />6onsider amendatory language proposed lby the Consultantin Articles XI and XII <br />Mr. Edmonds said language in Article XI dated back, to the 50's and it was necessary for <br />new.language to be written so drat in wasmore modem and understandable. Ms. Putnam and Mr. <br />Webb said they were good with the new language. Jessica Holtman said Section .122 Subsection <br />(9) should. include the word "costs" after attorney'sfees. <br />Su�ject to the recommended change, a Motion to approve this section was made by <br />Kenneth Webb and seconded by Taisley Scroggin. Motion carried, 10 ayes — 0 nays. <br />As to Section 142, there were no changes., A Motion to approve this section as written was <br />made by Jessica Holtman and seconded by Kenneth Webb. Motion carried, 10 ayes — 0 nays. <br />Next Mr. Edmonds referenced Section 151 and said that it did not rnak,e sense to have this <br />paragraph at the and ofthe Charter but should bernoved to the beginning. He said it contained a <br />gender neutral clause and. that t1te City Attorney would need to renumber the Charter. He said this <br />could be done by Ordinance with the City Council giving authority to the City Attorney to re. - <br />number the Chaifter and. irnaking editing changes. Ms. Holtman suggested that Section :p :p <br />subsection (3)leave added "as appropriate" after "references to specific state statutes," It was a <br />consensus to make the change to subsection (3). <br />Suibject to therecommended change, a Motion was made to approve this section was made <br />by Keimeth Webb and seconded by Stacy Ladell. Motion carried, 10 ayes — 0 nays. <br />K <br />