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Item No. 33 <br />Memorandum <br />TO: Mayor & City Council <br />FROM: Grayson Path, City Manager <br />Stephanie Harris, City Attorney <br />Gene Anderson, Finance Director <br />SUBJECT: PEDC Loan <br />DATE: December 13, 2021 <br />4welliNk" <br />Earlier in 2021, then Mayor Dr. Steve Clifford proposed to the City Council and the PEDC the <br />concept of the City loaning to the PEDC available funding for the purposes of 1) paying off a <br />PEDC note, 2) giving the PEDC a lower interest rate to help save tax dollars, and 3) giving the <br />City a higher interest rate to help produce revenue greater than traditional investment mechanisms. <br />In general, the City had available funding that, by loaning it to the PEDC, the City could receive <br />an interest rate greater than the investment market while achieving a more favorable interest rate <br />for the PEDC than what they could receive through traditional lending. The note would have to <br />give the City the ability to call its funding if a financial emergency were to occur. The City is not <br />a lending entity by nature, but as the PEDC is a function of the City, this was a valid route for the <br />City Council to take. The City had to also restrict its lending capacity to money from the reserve. <br />This was to protect its ability to cash flow its budget on an annual basis. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: <br />After many months of negotiation and work, the attached note has been completed. It is for $2.5 <br />million. The first three years will be at an interest rate of 2.14% (which is greater than what the <br />City could achieve on its own and less than what the PEDC was paying). It is a ten (10) year note <br />with a fifteen (15) year amortization, which means they will make monthly payments for ten years <br />and then at the conclusion of ten years, there will be a balloon payment for the balance. This <br />allows the PEDC to have more operational cash now as a 15 year amortization has lower monthly <br />payments than a 10 year amortization. <br />