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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />December 15, 2021 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met for a special session at 5:30 p.m. on <br />Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at the City Council Chamber, 107 E. Kaufman, Paris, Texas. <br />i1 <br />01 <br />Present: Mayor: <br />Mayor Pro -Tem: <br />Council Members <br />City Staff: <br />Absent: Council Member: <br />Call meeting to order. <br />Paula Portugal <br />Reginald Hughes <br />Mihir Pankaj; Linda Knox; and Clayton Pilgrim <br />Grayson Path, City Manager; Stephanie Harris, City <br />Attorney; Janice Ellis, City Clerk; and Russell <br />Thrasher, EMS Director <br />Renae Stone and Gary Savage <br />Mayor Portugal called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />Citizens' forum. <br />No one spoke during citizens' forum. <br />3. Receive, discuss and possibly act on information from Robert Bass, Allison, Bass & <br />Associates regarding 2020 Census data, changing demographics in the Council Districts <br />since 2010, and proposed City Council redistrict maps. <br />Consultant Bob Bass reviewed the current voter district map with percentages reflecting <br />the districts that were underpopulated and the districts that were over populated. He presented <br />and reviewed Plan A and said it was the least favorable plan with regard to the Voting Rights <br />Act. Next, Mr. Bass presented and reviewed Plan B citing this was the strongest plan. He <br />depicted maps with current and proposed boundary lines reflecting changes in population and <br />minority percentages. Mr. Bass said it was important for City Council to give their input, as this <br />was their City. Lastly, he and the City Council worked together to create Plan C. Mr. Bass said <br />Plans and A and C were not as good as Plan B, and that he had confidence that Plan B would be <br />approved. Mr. Bass answered questions from City Council, as they discussed Plan B. Council <br />Members Savage and Pankaj said Plan B sounded like the best plan. Mayor Pro -Tem Hughes <br />agreed. Mayor Portugal said she was hearing it was a consensus of City Council to move <br />forward with Plan B. Mr. Bass said he would send the agenda wording for their next two City <br />Council meetings. He said the new maps should be placed on the city website, and the plan <br />discussed at their January 10 City Council meeting. Mr. Bass also said a public hearing would <br />