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Sec. 38. Disabled employees, pensions and insurance. <br />The city council shall have authority to provide for rules and regulations for maintaining <br />employees when injured and disabled while performing their duties, or it may provide for <br />such plan of insurance as it deems proper. The city council shall have authority to <br />mw . <br />establish a pension an retirement system for any or all groups of L�°��i"°..S �mLmm <br />employees in the service of the city. �����'� � °w �: � m w mli�� i y � ill . shall be <br />esta lislmie on..a wmu ry 4m� co; iblllmlmmm�� lm�� miliSL- W ��1L mm ices m mml en,i lmm p gih CLi m��, <br />ww ...... <br />lip <br />g§ m mW 2j!'' � u lm the dLy l ��ll l x�v m m oMo � ....l mm llrw..m �'a..i u i u �� l lul �of <br />stablishi nl m lml1�ll.m lm ll L une � �m ��l l r � The cost of the system shall be <br />......._.........._.......... . <br />determined <br />actuarially on the basis of such mortality and service tables as 'l � Limfl <br />lm II' 2lu!E!-, <br />,EmmuV m°mmqul'm°mmd im°. The provisions of the ordinance <br />establishing such a pension and retirement system shall require periodic actuarial <br />evaluations, which shall serve as the basis of any changes in the rates of contributions, <br />and shall also provide for the maintenance at all times of adequate reserves to meet all <br />accrued liabilities.. �mm mw'.l' um cm. �. Ir' mm i m n m iim� i mm id i:u� a m°�1 mi°: i'i lllmlu m mmt f'' i m <br />.W ..... .........___ _..__...:._.....__ ...........M m....m ... .w.,,.�.. ... ....__......_ <br />f1g, <br />f i neinbei, of the <br />y" jian m so estabfished and () haie its benefits. Offk eis and q !u <br />�b^ w. �n�� � �n�° r l� �n�°a" on, a fiffl time basis by the O������ [ �� m gulll ed�,� <br />imswmmd Sim mmmm m shall be required to join the system as a condition of employment. The <br />Y i Y Y __ f m <br />cit council shall have authority, on behalf of the Cit of Paris and its ��mlm�m � ���id <br />employees, to join or participate in any district or statewide pension and retirement system <br />which has been established by the Legislature of the State of Texas. <br />' II si l l b V mm i m mmN"md etfii m mm„nem ml : °m0 � n i u m m l II' Mlmm r l �w e w l m” s of this <br />w mmr , th m got,mcfl l'imil ds rIll.. ke IJ.awlw� 2..f �ra ad mmm mistra iongilw .m �I�:w..twl iori m elm m um mm of to §2!jnm l Nitt �.,.J I lmm&m I'llw�i�and � i, gEm pmmm� L� gj. maul m llmm 1�� <br />..ww�mo <br />mirm m r m' � �ti m �N .�'i � m l m... „III w�. it w nn a my w � 1p mr d <br />m� III oV ......... ' the...i., m !� m��.m�ml by <br />muu finm!mu c m lh �ii l�l� I�II�� mlm�_and SUc iW..rnfi„llsl afl a en, ami:° aM!1!1 �hafl <br />1 11 m lwm..gmof the iioflecfiolm� ,umesln ment,__.1)1_y st� 1 m � lu��: � mm.:...;gmhlnl <br />I- !2�!on and mm lmm°mL�mmmm��i.em If nese§ � immJiie :m 6l1ub�nm mmlumm mr w m �lilig ��m c.,,w���fl`...�mmmmmmml <br />i li-EE wii .C', O U ng Ill mmm �. b, c� )!;u °'Nmm m��u m m u�o lde ��l mu as w m m l m ems l uw eOUrtl � L i <br />of l m llllll i mammint(: mmmlm:�mlwm� tonnes„ ����w�mm <br />Explanatory Note: The current language is strangely provisional and largely outdated. <br />The amendatory language is simpler and reflects current operations as to this important <br />matter. <br />ARTICLE IV. THE CITY MANAGER <br />Section 43. Departmental divisions. <br />The work of each administrative department may be distributed among such divisions <br />thereof as may be determined by [II��m pjgj§�.ormm dna pi0Li m mpgo _ idation <br />i <br />qfl the city manager rrrm lm i!jq, the mlm m. of l w _qf6nance or„o ordiriances ,ii llstrm mm nl�nic <br />C7 <br />