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Mr. Edmonds went on to Section 69 (5) and stated the language used here is also <br />outdated. A Motion to approve the new language was made by Reeves Hayter and seconded by <br />Linda Kapp. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Edmonds continued on to Section 69(9) and let Mr. Anderson explain why it needs to <br />be changed. Mr. Anderson said that when the Charter was written in 1948, the city was not <br />nearly as busy. He stated that it is much simpler to let the experts in the departments determine <br />some basic expenses. A Motion to approve the new language was made by Kenneth Webb and <br />seconded by Stacy Ladell. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Edmonds went on to Sections 79 and 80, stating that the language in these sections is <br />no longer workable or practical. A Motion to approve the new language in Section 79 was made <br />by Kenneth Webb and seconded by Stacy Ladell. Motion carried unanimously. <br />A Motion to approve the new language in Section 80 was also made by Kenneth Webb and <br />seconded by Stacy Ladell. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Edmonds continued on to Section 82 and stated that this was an old time provision <br />and needs to be updated to match the policy currently in place. A motion to approve the new <br />language minus the mention of a deductible was made by Linda Kapp and seconded by Chad <br />Lindsey. Motion carried unanimously. <br />8. Adjournment. <br />A Motion to adjourn was made by Kenneth Webb and seconded by Lydia Fitzgerald. Motion <br />carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m. <br />Approved this 1 st day of November 2021. <br />V_._. <br />Alix Putnam,Chad person <br />