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b. Provide for the option of securing local loans for longer than one year. This was <br />an issue in the FY20/21 Budget when purchasing numerous pieces of equipment. <br />8. Article VIII <br />a. Removal of outdated language regarding the City itself assessing and collecting <br />taxes — that is performed by LCAD. <br />9. Article IX <br />a. No recommended edits. <br />10. Article X <br />a. Edits to clarify what is not appropriate for initiative and/or referendum. There are <br />certain functions of government that must remain the authority of the City Council <br />as the elected representatives of the people. <br />11. Article XI <br />a. Complete re -write to reflect more modern and streamline language inspired by state <br />law concerning our power to grant franchises within the City of Paris. The law has <br />changed greatly on this topic, so it was not reasonable to try and edit the language <br />as it was; thus a complete replacement is recommended. <br />12. Article XII <br />a. Update language regarding salary garnishment to reflect state law. <br />b. Provide for a cleanup provision — once the Charter edits are voted on by the <br />electorate, depending on what is and is not approved, it will be necessary to come <br />in afterwards and renumber. We must also address gender -specific language <br />throughout the entire Charter, not just the sections covered in the Final Report. That <br />is not feasible as ballot amendments for each section. <br />It is now the duty of the City Council to review and discuss the proposed edits and determine <br />which will move forward for inclusion in the May 2022 Ballot. It is recommended that the City <br />Council discuss these edits tonight, but perhaps take the next month until the January 10, 2022 <br />City Council meeting to then make a decision. It is however once again recommended that you <br />make your final decision on January 10a' so that we can have needed time to prepare for the May <br />2022 election. <br />BUDGET: <br />N/A <br />OPTIONS: <br />1. Review, discuss, and ask questions about the CRC's proposed amendments to the City of <br />Paris Charter and either tonight or January 10, 2022, make decisions for the May 2022 <br />