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14. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of the Sky 4th Street Addition, Lot 1, <br />Block A, LCAD Property ID 15941 and 15942, located at 415-425 SW 4th Street. <br />Mack states The applicant requested preliminary plat & final plat approval for the <br />construction of a new duplex on the property. The subject property is currently zoned to <br />MF -1 which permits a duplex. The site parcels after platting will contain approximately <br />.41 acres. The minimum lot dimension requirements for the plat are met and all setbacks <br />can be met. Minor revisions for the submission requirements of the preliminary & final <br />plat still need to be met and can easily be met by the surveyor prior to release of the final <br />plat for recording. Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat with the following <br />conditions: <br />1. The right-of-way (ROW) width on Sherman shall be shown. <br />2. The common internal boundary line to be dissolved by approval of the plat <br />shall be shown. <br />3. The preliminary plat shows the property owner of the parcel to the northeast <br />to be owned by Charles Armstrong and not Tracie A. Harris as indicated on <br />the LCAD system. This owner and/or lot line shall be clarified on the <br />preliminary plat prior to release of the final plat for recording. <br />4. The existing power poles in front of the property shall be shown on the <br />preliminary plat. <br />A motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by Michael Mosher to approve the preliminary <br />plat with noted conditions. Motion carried 6-0. <br />15. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of the Sky 4th Street Addition, Lot 1, Block <br />A, LOAD Property ID 15941 and 15942, located at 415-425 SW 4th Street. <br />Mack states this is the same plat for final and staff recommends approval with noted <br />conditions. <br />A motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by Francine Neeley to approve the final plat <br />with noted conditions. Motion carried 6-0. <br />16. Request items for future agendas. <br />No request at this time. <br />17. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. <br />7 <br />