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Regular Council Meeting <br />December 13, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />19. Approve the Master Service Agreement with SpearTip, LLC for 12 -month cybersecurity <br />professional services in an amount of $28,800.00. <br />20. Approve the Final Plat of the Bray Addition, Lot 1, Block A, LCAD Property ID 18178 <br />and 18179, located at 2354-2356 E. Cherry Street. <br />21. Approve the Final Plat of the HTEAO Addition, Lots 1 and 2, Block A, LCAD Property <br />ID 402602, located at 2900 Lamar Ave. <br />22. Approve the Final Plat of the Sky 4th Street Addition, Lot 1, Block A, LCAD Property ID <br />15941 and 15942, located at 415-525 S.W. 4th Street. <br />Re ular A yenda <br />23. Discuss, conduct a public hearing, and act on ORDINANCE NO. 2021-048: AN <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1710 OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO REZONE CITY OF PARIS BLOCK B, <br />LOT 6 LOCATED AT 2560-2562 KESSLER DRIVE, FROM A ONE -FAMILY <br />DWELLING DISTRICT NO. 2 (SF -2) TO A TWO-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT <br />(217); DIRECTING A CHANGE ACCORDINGLY IN THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP <br />OF THE CITY OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE, A <br />SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND <br />PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />City Planner Andrew Mack said items 23 and 24 were related to each other. He <br />explained the City of Paris initiated this change because there was an adjoining lot that already <br />had a duplex constructed on the property. He said this change would eliminate the residences as <br />a non -conforming dwelling by making it conforming. Mr. Mack said Staff and the Planning & <br />Zoning Commission recommend approval of the rezoning. <br />Mayor Portugal opened the public hearing and asked that anyone wishing to speak about <br />this item to please come forward. With no one speaking, Mayor Portugal closed the public <br />hearing. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pankaj and seconded by <br />Council Members Stone and Pilgrim. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />24. Discuss, conduct a public hearing and act on an Ordinance considering the petition of <br />Judy Daughtrey for a change in zoning from a One -Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF - <br />2) to a Two -Family Dwelling District (2F) in the Willowcrest #2 Addition, Block A, Lot <br />7, located at 1315 N.E. 26th Street (LOAD 39756) <br />Mr. Mack said the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended denial at their meeting <br />on December 6, 2021. He also said that the proposed duplex would be the only duplex residence <br />