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i. 4-6 Glee & Tanner <br />ii. 6-8 Shelby & <br />c. Shelby & Cheri will set down and work on Facebook page. <br />d. 44 Vacant properties in 2018 .... 38 Vacant now and so many more in progress. <br />e. Traffic Study: Lots going on to accomplish this. There is info on city website. Official start date is <br />December 6th. <br />f. There is a Main Street Advisory board dropbox with lots of fantastic resources. <br />g. Paris Downtown Association has begun a conversation about lighting up Downtown. Options have <br />changed dramatically since we chose current parapet lighting. We are researching our options. <br />Cheri will be taking a trip to Ennis to look at their downtown lighting. <br />h. Is there a way we can alleviate some pressure from PDA to throw all downtown events, share the <br />opportunity for other community organizations to help out with our events. <br />i. National Main Street Application for downtown survey. Accepted! <br />i. Downtown city plan available on city website, we would like for the Main Street <br />Advisory board to familiarize themselves with these resource. <br />j. Design Committee: <br />i. There has been a spreadsheet created to implement downtown design. <br />ii. "Pretty City Committee" <br />k. Main Street Advisory board Meeting will be cancelled. In lieu of cancelling, we will all make <br />familiarizing ourselves with the downtown city plan our "homework" assignment. <br />7. Andrew Mack is working with the City of Nacogdoches on their Vacant Building registry and sharing the <br />inspiring progress Paris has made on their downtown community. We are working on expanding the <br />downtown historic district further into residential areas. There will be survey during 90 day traffic study <br />conducted by TAMU Commerce. <br />a. How will parking be affected by traffic study? <br />i. Moving traffic is affected only. <br />ii. There's more information available on website: <br />8. A motion was made to adjourn at 5:55 by Shelby Gilliam and seconded by Glee Emmitte. <br />