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SPECIAL MEETING <br />MINUTES <br />CITY OF PARIS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br />CITY OF PARIS - CITY HALL <br />COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1 2022 <br />12:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />1. The Board ofAdjustment meeting was called to order by RuthAnn Alsobrook, Chairperson, <br />at 12: 00 p. m. <br />The following members were present: RuthAnn Alsobrook, Larry Walker, William <br />Sanders, Jerry Harting and Sequoia Bruce. <br />Also present were Andrew Mack, Stephanie Harris, Mayor Paula Portugal, Mayor Pro <br />Tem Reginald Hughes and concerned citizens. <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting. (January 4, 2022) <br />Motion was made by Larry Walker, seconded by Sequoia Bruce to approve minutes for the January <br />4th, 2022 meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br />3. Continue public hearing to consider and take action on the petition of Charles Edwards, <br />on behalf of Emma Young regarding lot size & width variances from the City of Paris <br />Zoning Ordinance Sections 9-102 and 9-201 of the Area Regulations, on Lot 2, Block 4, of <br />the Harlan Heights Addition being located at 1071 NE 17`h Street. <br />The applicant is proposing to reconstruct a house as part of the HOME Program at 1071 NE 17th <br />Street. This property does not meet the schedule minimum lot area of 7,500 SF or width of 60'. <br />The applicant is requesting a variance of 923.52 SF to allow the construction of a house on a <br />6,576.47 SF lot and a 10.37' to allow the construction of a house on a 49.63' wide lot. <br />Ms. Alsobrook announced that the Board would now continue the public hearing opened on <br />February 1St, 2022. <br />Andrew Mack, Director of Planning & Zoning, presented the case to the board. Mr. Mack <br />mentioned that revisions are being made to the ordinance to avoid unnecessary variances on sub- <br />standard lots in the City and that those changes will be presented to the planning and zoning board <br />at their February meeting. Lastly, Mr. Mack recommended approval to the board based on the <br />staff s findings of fact. <br />Ms. Alsobrook declared the public hearing closed. <br />