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DECISION OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />RE: Variance Request <br />Sandra Munn <br />1110 SE 3rd Street <br />Paris, TX 75460 <br />ACTION REQUESTED: Variance to fence material. <br />The above -reference request was (grante / denie/ granted in part and denied part) by the City <br />of Paris Zoning Boa Vi°m, of Adjustment ("Boar ') on 3/1/2022 y a vote of . in favor of <br />the application andy against the application with abstaining. On this date, the <br />Board found that the request met the conditions set forth in Section 4.11.003(a)(7)(F) of the City <br />of Paris Fencing Ordinance. <br />Appeal: Any interested person wishing to appeal this Board decision is required to file a petition <br />for Writ of Certiorari in a district court, county court or county court at law within ten (10) days <br />of the date this decision is filed in the Board's office consistent with section 211.011 of the Texas <br />Local Government Code. <br />The Board of Adjustment here by denies the variance request based upon the following findings <br />of fact. <br />BOARD RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS <br />1. The request for variance is not in harmony with the general purposes and intent of Fence <br />Ordinance No. 2021-044, as amended, and does not continue to protect surrounding properties <br />from any negative impacts. <br />2. The denial of the request to permit the fence with prohibited materials will not prevent the <br />reasonable use of the property for the residence because the materials can be replaced with a <br />fencing material that conforms to the ordinance requirements. <br />3. There are no special or unique condition(s) of restricted area, shape, topography, or physical <br />features that exist on the subject parcel of land, which are not applicable to other parcels of <br />land in the same zoning district, and which cause unusual and practical difficulty or <br />unnecessary hardship to the use of a compliant fence material allowed by the ordinance with <br />the provisions sought here to be varied. <br />4. The hardship sought to be avoided is the result of (a) the applicant's own actions (self-imposed <br />or self-created), and (b) the applicant has not stated that there is an economic or financial <br />