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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />Monday, February 15, 2022 <br />Page 4 of S <br />Mr. Terrell made a motion to approve the proposal as presented. Mr. Homer seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 6 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Receive and Discuss Re ort from Executive Director <br />Ms. Hammond discussed the Business and Industry Survey as part of the PEDC's 2 -year plan of work that was <br />launched in January in partnership with Paris Junior College. This consists of a formal survey and visitation <br />program to proactively respond to the needs of businesses and gather information that will aid in policy <br />decision-making moving forward. To date, there have been a total of 4 employer visits, with a total goal of 20 <br />employers completed by the end of August. <br />Ms. Hammond asked PJC President Dr. Pam Anglin if she would like to add any additional comments; Dr. Anglin <br />stated that the information has proven to be very beneficial not just to the PEDC and PJC but will also be <br />valuable to the city moving forward as well. <br />She continued the report with a discussion of the cost -of -living index. The Council for Community and Economic <br />Research (C2ER) is a national firm that conducts community, economic, and workforce development research. <br />She explained that they are widely known for compiling cost of living index data and disseminate the data on a <br />quarterly basis. The last time the PEDC participated was in 2014 and Ms. Hammond thought it was important to <br />continue collection of this information starting Jan. 11 during the first quarter. At the end of the three quarters, <br />the compiled cost of living index data will be produced into an annual report for review. <br />Ms. Hammond reported next on the High Demand Job Training Grant. In accordance with the 2021-2022 fiscal <br />year budget and in partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission, the PEDC contributes $25,000 with a <br />50/50 matched grant totaling $50,000 towards expenses for training for high -demand occupations. These funds <br />were utilized to aid in the expansion of PJC's program with the purchase of 5 new welding machines for skill <br />development and workforce development. She added that this is another way the PEDC is supporting workforce <br />development by with a pipeline of talent to our workforce. <br />Ms. Hammond concluded her report by briefly discussing the Community Investment Program. As part of the <br />financing of the Delco project the company has been working with Rural Development Partners. Part of the <br />financing package for Delco through new market tax credits required that Rural Development Partners set aside <br />$90,000 for workforce development training. Delco matched their funding, bringing the total to $180,000 to be <br />used towards a workforce development project and or program that benefits the broader community. <br />Ms. Hammond stated that this is one of the many highlights that has come out of Delco's expansion project. <br />Since PEDC is the primary economic development entity for the region, Rural Development Partners asked the <br />PEDC to facilitate the forming of a Community Advisory Board. This Advisory Board consists of members from <br />the local school systems and Texas Workforce, including the following: <br />• Ms. Maureen Hammond, PEDC Executive Director <br />• Dr. Pam Anglin, President PJC <br />• Ms. Kelli Stewart, Superintendent of NLISD <br />• Mr. Paul Jones, Superintendent Paris ISD <br />• Mr. Wes Brown, Career and Technology Director NLISD <br />• Mr. Caleb Tindel, Career and Technology Director PTSD <br />• Mr. Bart Spivey; Business Development Project Manager, Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas <br />