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DECISION OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />RE: Variance Request <br />RonDoe Homes OBO <br />Lisa Bivens <br />1143 E Tudor Street <br />Paris, TX 75460 <br />ACTION REQUESTED: F 11" variance to front yard setback. <br />The above -reference request wa (grant / denied / granted in part and denied in part) by the City <br />the application and against the `Lapplication with abstaining. in favor of <br />of Paris Zoning Boar of Adjustment Board on 4/5/2022,b a vote of <br />On this date, the <br />Board found that the request met the conditions set forth in Area Regulations, Section 9-501(1) of <br />the City of Paris Zoning Ordinance. <br />Appeal: Any interested person wishing to appeal this Board decision is required to file a petition <br />for Writ of Certiorari in a district court, county court or county court at law within ten (10) days <br />of the date this decision is filed in the Board's office consistent with section 211.011 of the Texas <br />Local Government Code. <br />The Board of Adjustment here by approves the variance request based upon the following findings <br />of fact. <br />BOARD RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS <br />1. The request for variance is harmony with the general purposes and intent of Zoning <br />Ordinance No. 1710, as amended, and will not negatively impact the protection for the <br />adjacent surrounding property. <br />2. The request is to permit the reconstruction of a residence is not applicable with regard to a <br />non -conforming use due to it being permitted by right in the SF -3 District. There was a <br />previous structure recently demolished on the property under the City's Home Program and <br />it was built in the same approximate location as the demolished structure. <br />3. There are special or unique conditions of restricted area and physical feature for the new <br />slab that was constructed prior to the form board survey now existing on the subject parcel <br />of land. This is not generally applicable to other parcels of land in the same zoning district. <br />This has caused an unusual and practical difficulty to be in compliance with the provisions <br />