Grayson Path
<br />From:
<br />Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 12:53 PIVI
<br />To: Grayson Path;;
<br />Subject: Re: 503 W Washington Street
<br />I Mr. Path,
<br />IIl , 111311'111lkyw�)u so inuch foiir yoiiiiii� eii,in6� and fbr the btter cancerriih,igthe propeii,ty ocated at 503 WVV'asll wh ugtoi
<br />SL III cc6dn't tiave dai'm wIny l�etteir hi wii"Nii,ig skid,'� a gireat exp, ariakn,
<br />III arn qufte exwJted to Il,.we iii,iii,iiovuiiiiig to III aiIs . .....IIl X, oi'id getfiii'ig out w.mll flris bg dity that l ['rave beew i a part, io'f tw..wu uwwlsst of rny Ufa. III
<br />have Ill!�)eeii wiri biusuness reire uii [41as for ovew 43 years arid ut has Ill)een a very eye ii��q�)ening expeyiiei,'wcie.
<br />III deckled to niave iiq enflm ��n,�s�iimss to I )aiiiis . ..... Ill X,aind to to begNiiwahe. iii�"i, l puird[msed the 6d Sesame toutiorls
<br />pri��wperty Nocated orw 700 W Ceinteir, Street, �wrack iirm 201211, hopes f wnov4ig wnwryt lniisliriiees, to IC"Iaris back ttmri but, N was
<br />wirivoNed uuwu a teirdzfle acdderit ttmt bii,olee iii rq ba(�Ii; airxi otheii" l�)aiits of b
<br />f rr�mlyve md
<br />. ��'�0 veiny s&ous IlHe thiiileat,iil2Ill"lll'lu,lllg
<br />siuii,gefles lion trie i;mst 3 yeaii�"s iii!"r hol!)es of correctiii'ig fliii:wm daiinages doii'we Ilfw u'rr'wy body,
<br />I�Rii'Bgaii'dless of 0 twat, III fi that ut ws flnie t,ici' do &�,wmethiiii,ig Wfl'i 11,iat propeily ofliei 11iaiii to Nlray taxes w.mwrrl flw Illwwolll,wewllw,r
<br />year, aft: r yeair, ancl l did awst exl!)ect Ibir tl iiat Il.,waweeN tic) becormie a rnioriey ipwI, Ilwwwt wt N,,*, II"se got het that pNace tqr aii� tid
<br />rtiii iiii www w,
<br />biefore it beconiles too ate foir ine to �)is, aNe tio do aii'iyth��ii,,�g, ��l [wire, ��s sfiH a toiri of ftir�gs ltV iat iieed to IlDe dorie oiri
<br />:1
<br />fl'iat l�)iiropeiity, we dqiiirk evein o
<br />�iw
<br />ve ateii, si:�I!iioi�;e l�)ew;ause fl,iie Qty iernovewJ thiil:'w 'Taps ffiat clo tothe prq��wieity wheiiii fliey Ilwwwwt
<br />a irew wateir rri6irw ai'id iiever, Nmked the 1�wii'q!:)eii'ly bad< up to ft�e wateir.
<br />My ii�mirirqpariy Il�"ias l)�:Ieirw miiiking wi�flh fli'm pii,iirwcil�Ies of the (l N&R) !IHGdll I Ft&H� ���)RQSlECT, I AS TO III IUJIS 1 01014
<br />11I ?Y'N14 S I AIID14 I311JIIl...JIIE!7 I f�NI% I!irqIVect swu i1ce it's ww wcq,:,;�wUiot ii bacl� uii 20,H), My col� rlpany has curii'eiiit III°)ids in
<br />for fliat Ilwwolwwetfai" fl'16ir rrfl&; sill�eel IlDaii ts, steeN 615irigs, siteel std4cases, and gUtter systeii'm Unibii,hiinai6y, irry faN woafiloirw
<br />fadHty iii�"i DaHas, TX, is r*t ���q��4tfle of crii,:Iatirig Crie �arge parts tl iat �� �'iave old on, aftfiough, I ��s c��qpabb of siiind,Is,
<br />�
<br />�Xl!!!j Sl!!!Iiu��!R ottad"iedto iniy l�Iaii is fadHtyi, III wfll be 6fletio mov�e a tot of riateii,raIs wftli 0 ie Nw ie I'ieirefiore,l WNII th,18 ClIXT&A h
<br />iiidud��ii ig but not lirri�tied'Iko raw and ffi'i1i1s1�'ied matew 41s fow H w
<br />1
<br />arn rrqra� ingto hii e over 250-350 Nor the q0ct, arid m� are airbd��!)aflrig that t,iie �!)i,qecl Wl��: ll:,Ist k excess
<br />6 '1/2 years, i ci�)urse, Ill.hesww are iril"fly q�)ecO[Eltoll"Is at thiis but ttmy are aNso extii� eiWy iii eWisft !�*k'iits Ill.hnt l Illwnwwle
<br />in taide . .... I tmN, lwww.eww ak)ng firrie coirrflrwg aiiid l oi�::!Icoii ne ttie 4��:hairige 11111 EM,/eii' y way wHI i arms, nicyt oiri,Iy
<br />!kiir �qACO,
<br />�uitfoirfllie Qty of Paiir��s, I X as w6H�
<br />III kr*w IN"it N4".n iill, a lo,t to take irii fbrrru sor rreloirm U[iat yoiii,,w tiaverft eiveiru rrmt before, bi,flk kwxw„ww th�,s, III airi fiii ft towNii,ii R fi�x afl wwt
<br />us, airx] III W11111 do whatevei� it t6�1:es to inako:111! fiflis Iiapperi
<br />I'rn Mii•eady lu"iee deep wn tiius cl wawige of nny futuire to Ill�)e airid yes, l ari''ii scared to�o, :)ut, I rari rn6ke it �'ial!�ipen airul II cw'lri
<br />rw,4s �we liit afl work iiw�iiut too, l 'just haivo::wto lmel!) k)ICLV::II,ecJ and stay fl'ie couise
<br />I WOUM any liiO1p froirrw Uwe t.Jth of Paris www una111wwwrrh thus drearrw a1`111:11, ss
<br />�q:%I� heq)s Udidrig sorne !.�iie— ures q�ffl of
<br />virile whHe l ami iegodabr�g ttwse rmtters 1::, corifiry J� �g to keej�� rrxw�ir�g fbrwaii,41,
<br />�x,�oe of Ure 503 W Was� h gtc�� !�mrcel rq �ay seern a tat ��ow, !�nd,,Ul'mre ��s a ��ot irnore to •�t fl,mr� you rnigtit
<br />�n,iag�ine, ��� tmt ���rol!)eiity tt::M kq)t U�) t0ir ii''irmiriy years aind ��t �s cosfi� ig rrile a sn'mH tortw ie tio get it c�eaned aii�''wd
<br />w:Ieaiied Trmre i,,:,T toli'lls Of rituff, lLIII'Ikll tirai: fl„i, uiiideirbiiruslh, wiinbsl, Eft, that weii,e bflIheire ��'ve a�ki eady �!)iio 2 (210) yard 61 off
<br />diiirnlll!)steii`s theii"e, for, U,m trasll @!$685J)0 dirolp, 0 iie labor has :,Peiei!w cosiJii'q� iii riefoii� 5 we6ks already, and we Ihmve riot
<br />eveii"i beguin ttm aftfiaris lo,f ig, Iree ttrrw rnwrigs, fewices rrmiived, airwii�J orw ai'u�ll orw. Na,le wuru:5 to be wiener eii,Mfirig aii� wt
<br />becoirraiiig vie'y i,I!xpeiriieve. � aii! ri ass paying R)r aIH:i (A the (;.losuilig w�*sts U,wat aiire o�wei! $1 11200 00 Ne got e(�lUil°�inierit iii
<br />beiing drop���!ied theire scoir for U,ie �a� �d ciieaii,�iig fl,iat wiH rtn'i ri exc•ess of $7,5()0,0C ' �, li'd of q!��eril�� way ove� flile c6ckflafio� is
<br />of flie q�)pii,alsal for the aid arild theii i soine, �'irn sixi a that I�� wflI riave ii���)ver $20,000 s11!�)eii fll refi e ft ws afll sa�d au iid Ihwne.
<br />