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Street Historic District. The ordinance would propose all properties that are vacant will need to <br />register with the City of Paris and keep the property in a standard of care to protect the historic <br />assets. Lots of feedback has been positive. There are houses that have nothing being done with <br />the historic homes and completely disinvesting the neighborhood, and the property owners are <br />wanting to revitalize. Criteria would include fees, and inspections on electrical service and <br />bringing it up to code, order exterior code violations corrections if necessary, safety of the <br />interior of the structure, and provide insurance and sitting as a fire risk to the neighborhood. <br />Councilwoman Knox gave a background as to how the program came about, and asked for the <br />partnership for support this initiative, being part of a multipronged approach to reclaim the <br />neighborhoods in the city of Paris. Other aspects include increased code enforcement and <br />abatement team and the new infill initiatives that could slow the deterioration of neighborhoods, <br />and in fact help them to revitalize. A motion was made to support the vacant property ordinance <br />as it is presented to city council by Chairman Dux, seconded by Commissioner Emmite, motion <br />carried 6 - 0 <br />James Hooten, Assistant Building Official presented the information on the rental inspection for <br />properties in all the historic districts. The commissioners were shown a PowerPoint with the <br />criteria for the standard of care, a copy of the ordinance and the letter that will be sent to property <br />owners and the forms the property owners would use to begin the registry inspections. <br />Mr Sims Norment stated that he was in full support of the rental housing licensing. . <br />Clifton Fendley made some comments on making sure the new ordinance isn't too limiting, are <br />some rental agreements that would most likely be affected, and not to preclude any development <br />of rentals such as bed and breakfasts in the area. <br />Ms. Bedford gave updates on Certificates of Appropriateness approved in house. <br />She discussed the date on the Imagine the Possibilities tours, and changing the format to more of <br />the downtown showoff. <br />Property owners of 138 Grand Ave have requested a renewal for the selective demo of the <br />windows on the 1' street side. <br />Paris has received a CLG grant to send 4 commissioners to the National Alliance of Preservation <br />Commission training in Cincinnati Ohio in July. <br />Cheri will be presenting at the National Main Street conference in Richmond Virginia on the use <br />of the historic resource survey in the GIS Database. <br />Hearing no other business the commission adjourned at 5:45 p.m. <br />AplirovedusZ', day of _ 2022 <br />Chairman <br />