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CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) <br />September 30, 2021 <br />IV. Detailed Notes on All Activities and Funds (Continued) <br />F. Employee Retirement Systems and Plans (Continued) <br />2. Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund <br />Plan Description <br />The Paris Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund, a single -employer defined benefit pension plan, is <br />established under the authority of the Texas Local Firefighters' Retirement Act and is administered by a <br />Board of Trustees made up of three members elected from and by the fund's members, two representatives <br />of the City of Paris, Texas, and two citizen members. Specified plan provisions are governed by a plan <br />document and a trust agreement executed by the Board of Trustees. The plan is an independent entity for <br />financial reporting purposes and issues a stand-alone financial statement. A copy of the audited financial <br />statement may be obtained from the Board of Trustees, Paris Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund, P.O. <br />Box 9037, Paris, Texas 75461. Governing state law requires public retirement systems to hire an actuary to <br />make a valuation at least once every three years of the assets and liabilities of the system and to determine <br />if the assumptions and methods are reasonable. The plan financial statements are prepared using the <br />accrual basis of accounting. All plan investments are reported at fair value. <br />RUM <br />The plan covers current and former firefighters of the City of Paris, Texas, as well as certain beneficiaries. <br />The City of Paris contributes 14% of each member's total pay (including regular, longevity, and overtime <br />pay but excluding lump sum distributions for unused sick leave or vacation). Fund members contribute to <br />the plan at a rate of 16% of pay. <br />Employee contributions are "picked up" by the City of Paris, Texas, as permitted under Section 414(h)(2) <br />of the Internal Revenue Code. Fund members receive credit for service for the period during which <br />they make contributions to the plan. <br />The fund was established August 28, 1941, and was most recently amended effective August 31, 2019. <br />Contributions <br />The City's annual required contribution to the plan for fiscal year 2021 was based on a payroll of <br />$3,009,497 and amounted to $421,330. Covered employees made contributions of $481,520. <br />Employees Covered by Benefit Terms <br />At the December 31, 2020, valuation date, the following employees were covered by the benefit terms: <br />Inactive employees or beneficiaries currently receiving benefits 40 <br />Inactive employees entitled to but not yet receiving benefits 8 <br />Active employees 48 <br />Total 96 <br />48 <br />