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2022-028 - Amending Chapter 4, “Building Regulations,” Article 4.02, “Construction Codes and Standards.” Article 4.03, Section 4.03.004, “Building and Standards Commission Established; Proceedings; Civil Penalties,” Article 4304, “Residential Rental Prope
City Clerk
2022-028 - Amending Chapter 4, “Building Regulations,” Article 4.02, “Construction Codes and Standards.” Article 4.03, Section 4.03.004, “Building and Standards Commission Established; Proceedings; Civil Penalties,” Article 4304, “Residential Rental Prope
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/11/2022 10:38:46 AM
Creation date
5/11/2022 10:34:17 AM
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active account for service of one or more util'oties includin water sewer and trash electric and <br />as service as evidenced b active meter servioe to the ro ert . <br />Sec. 4.05.003 Applicability; administration <br />(a) This article shall apply to all vacant structures, as defined herein, which are now in existence <br />or which may hereafter be constructed or converted from other uses and which are within the <br />gowAtewp a44 gLny Historic Overlay District (otherwise known as Historic Overlay Districts No. 1 <br />thru 1„,nd n othe,� ut�se unt_dustriots which r�oa be added followin the effective date of <br />this ordinance e- " --V" and all vacant designated historic landmarks. <br />(b) The city manager or his/her designee is authorized to administer and enforce the provisions <br />of this article. <br />(c) The city manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to render interpretations of <br />this article and to adopt policies and procedures in order to clarify the application of its provisions. <br />The city manager or his/her designee, at his/her sole discretion, may also enter into an agreement <br />with a registered property owner to obtain compliance with this article by a date certain. <br />Sec. 4.05.004 Registration required <br />(a) The vacant structure property owner shall have ninety (90) days in which to register from <br />the date written notice is issued to the property owner. Written notice shall be issued to the vacant <br />structure property owner by means of personal service, or by first class mail to his/her last known <br />address according to the county appraisal district records, and by posting on the property. Should <br />mailings be returned undeliverable, a notice published once in the local newspaper shall serve as <br />notice to the property owner. <br />(b) The city manager or his/her designee may consider provided evidence that the property is <br />listed for sale or lease for fair market value and for a reasonable length of time for purposes of <br />extending the length of time before the property must be registered. Such listln shall not extend <br />the registration re aired under this section for renter than one hundred twpnt 120 da s from <br />the first date of such initial Vustur� <br />(c) Upon the issuance of notice by the city to register a vacant property, and prior to the <br />issuance of a certificate of registration for any vacant building, the owner shall register with the <br />city manager or his/her designee and provide the following information: <br />(1) The address and legal description of the property. <br />(2) The current name, physical address, mailing address, telephone number and e- <br />mail information for any owner(s) with an ownership interest in the property. <br />Corporations or corporate entities shall submit the same information pertaining to their <br />registered agent. <br />(3) The contact information for a local manager of the properties and/or <br />improvements located on said property, as applicable. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />
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