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<br />-.,.,." <br /> <br />K "~;"', <br /> <br />"';~" <br /> <br />FIELD NOTES <br /> <br />for <br /> <br />UTILITY EASEMENT EXTENSION <br /> <br />Lots 4,5, & 12,13, Block 2, Highland Park Addition <br /> <br />Situated within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, Lamar County, <br />Texas, a part of the George W. Cox Survey, and being part of Lots 4, 5, 12, and <br />13, Block 2, of the Highland Park Addition to the City of Paris, conveyed by <br />deed to J. K. Guest. Jr., Jo{eldon Slaton, and D,:...\"ID, dated July 16, <br />1982, recorded in Volume 647, Page 13, Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas. <br />Being a 20 foot wide permanent utility easement, 10 feet each side of <br />centerline. Said centerline being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point for centerline, said point being the end of center- <br />line of a Utility Easement recorded in Volume 679, Page 145, Deed Records, <br />Lamar County, Texas, said point also being the Southeast Corner of Lot 5, and <br />the Northeast Corner of Lot 13; <br />THENCE West along the common boundary lines of Lots 4, 5, and 12, 13, <br />a distance of 147.5 feet to the end of centerline, said point being the South- <br />west Corner of Lot 4, and the Northwest Corner of Lot 12, containing 0.068 <br />acres of land, more or less. <br />