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05 - City Council Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 9, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />Regular Agenda <br />10. Receive presentation from North Star regarding the branding and marketing project. <br />City Manager, Grayson Path introduced Mr. Ketchum who then gave a presentation <br />regarding "place branding." He stated that Texas is growing at a rapid pace, and Paris should get <br />its fair share. He said that the brand of the city is more than just a logo; it is a symbol of unity <br />between the residents, and the community. He went on to say that according to recent research, <br />more people are looking for an inclusive place to live, where they have a balance between the <br />right place to live and the right job. He showed some examples of other branding endeavors <br />North Star has been a part of, and then opened the floor to the Council for questions. <br />Mayor Portugal thanked Mr. Ketchum for his presentation. Council Member Pankaj <br />stated that he was excited to see what North Star could come up with and hoped that they would <br />also be able to pick up on the voices of Paris that may not have been heard in the meetings to <br />ensure the inclusiveness of all of the residents of Paris. <br />11. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2022-032: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING <br />AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT WITH <br />ENNS VENTURES, LLC; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS <br />RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />City Planner Andrew Mack introduced Mr. Ronny Enns to the Council and stated that he <br />was planning on building several duplexes in the city by utilizing the 5 in 5 Infill Development <br />Program. Mr. Mack also stated that City staff recommended approval of the agreement. <br />Mr. Enns said he was looking forward to providing housing to the city that was not in <br />need of repairs, and was clean and affordable. He stated that as an investor, he saw a good <br />opportunity to work together with the city to make something that works for everybody. <br />Mr. Mack asked the council if they had any questions. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Hughes asked if Mr. Enns was the same person who purchased the <br />property on 7th street next to Leon Williams Park. Mr. Mack answered in the affirmative. Mr. <br />Hughes then asked when they anticipate breaking ground there. Mr. Mack stated that it is <br />anticipated that the first two duplexes on l Ot" street this year, and then next year or sooner, they <br />will move to Henderson. He said there have been some delays with platting and utility extension. <br />A Motion to approve the item was made by Council Member Pankaj and seconded by <br />Council Member Knox. Motion carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />
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