<br />-
<br />
<br />Contractor Ilnderstam1~; and ilyrees Ulatit Shilll tilke immediate
<br />dppr'opri(llc cC)t~rect iVf: JctioT! dfter iS5udncc of Lhe audit report in .instances
<br />of fllcllcrid1 noncornpl-idncl: ..riLh ] (}I...)S , rC9ulitt'ions or this contrdct. but. shall,
<br />in any Event, be liable to Oepdrtment for any costs disallowed pursuant to
<br />financial and compliance audlt(s) of funds receIved under this contract,
<br />COfltrdctor further uf1clerst.dnds dnc1 agrees t.hdt r'cimIJuf'sement to Dep(jr'l.ml:-~nt of
<br />such disallowed costs Shilll be paid by Contractor from funds which were not
<br />provided or otherwise made available to Contractor under this contract,
<br />
<br />E, Contractor shall take such action to facilitate the performance of such
<br />audit or dudi ts conducted pursuant to this Sect ion 19 as Department may
<br />require of Contractor,
<br />
<br />SECTION 20,
<br />
<br />
<br />A, Contractor understands and agrees that by the execution of this contract
<br />Contractor shall assume the responsibilities for environmental review,
<br />decision-malng, and other actIon which would otherwise apply to Oepartment
<br />under Section 5304(f) of the Act, in accordance with and to the extent
<br />specified in 24 C,F.R, Part 58. In accordance with Section 58,77(b) of such
<br />regulations, Contractor further understands and agrees that Contractor shilll
<br />handle inquiries and complaints from persons and agencies seeking redress in
<br />relation to environmental reviews covered by approved certIfications,
<br />
<br />0, Contractor shall complete a written Finding of Categorical Exclusion, as
<br />applicable under 24 C,F,R, Section 58,35 (a), which cites the subsection of
<br />Section 58,35 (a) by which the activities or projects funded under this
<br />contract are categorically excluded from the National Environmental Policy
<br />Act requirements of 24 C,F,R, Part 58, Contractor shall then publish a
<br />Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds in the manner prescribed in 24
<br />C,F,R, Section 58,43, Contractor shall provIde the public with at least
<br />seven (7) calendar days to commcnt on the Notice foll()\oJing its publicatIon
<br />date, Finally, Contractor shall concurrently submit to Department the
<br />following documents: 'J) a Request for Release of Funds form; 2) the \~rjtten
<br />Finding of Categorical Exclusion described above; and 3) a Publisher's
<br />Affadavit for the Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds notice, Upon
<br />receipt of such documents, Department: must allow a 15 calendar days comments
<br />period to expire before it can formally release any project funds which are
<br />subject to the environmental review regulations, Contractor must comply with
<br />all other applicable environmental requirements as specified in Exhibit C of
<br />this contract, Contractor shall document its compliance with such other
<br />requirements in its environmental review file,
<br />
<br />SlCllON ;>l,
<br />
<br />!A~O~~;lA_I'!D AB.l)~
<br />
<br />A, All laborers and mechanics (except laborers and mechanics employed by a
<br />State or local government acting as the principal contractor on the project)
<br />employed in the rehabilitation of a project assisted under the Rental Reha-
<br />bilitiltion proyram that contains 12 or more dwelling units shall be paid
<br />wages at rates not less than those prevailing on similar rehabilitation in
<br />the locality, if such a rate category exists, or the appropriate rate as
<br />determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the Davis-8acon Act
<br />(40 IJ,S,C, 2'IFjd'276a-5), and contracts involving their employment shall be
<br />
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<br />'""
<br />