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<br />/f1 of adequate stale and/or feder'al funds to meet Department's
<br />".,,,1,i lilies under this contract. If ildequate funds arc not avai lable to make
<br />payments under this contract, Depilrtment shall notify Contractor in writing
<br />wilhin il reasonable time after such fact is determined, Department shall
<br />terminate Ulis contract and will nol be liable for failure to make payments to
<br />Contractor under this contract,
<br />
<br />7, Department Shilll not be liable to Contractor for any costs incurred by
<br />Contractor, or any portion thereof, which has been paid to Contractor or is
<br />subject to payment to Cont"actor, or has been reimbursed to Contractor or is
<br />subject to reimbursement to Contractor by any source other than Oepartment or
<br />Contraclor,
<br />
<br />3, Department shall not be liable to Contractor for administrative costs, as
<br />set forth in Section 6(C) of this contract, and for any costs incurred by
<br />Contractor which are not allowable costs, as set forth in Section 6(B) of this
<br />contract,
<br />
<br />4, Department shall not be liable to Contractor for any costs incurred by
<br />Contractor or for any performances rendered by Contractor which are not
<br />strictly in accordance loJith the terms of this contract, including the terms of
<br />Exhibit A, txhibit ~, txhibit C, and Exhibit D of this contract,
<br />
<br />~, Department shall not be liable to Contractor for any costs incurred by
<br />Contractor in the performance of this contract which have not been billed to
<br />Department by Contractor within sixty (60) days following termination of this
<br />contract unless otherwise provided for in the Project Completion Report(s)
<br />referred to in Section H(C) of this contract,
<br />
<br />b. Department shall not be liable for costs incurred or performances rendered
<br />by Contr'actor before commencement of this contract or after termination of
<br />this contr'act.
<br />
<br />II. f.1'-c_<:;ss_Pay!~~..!2.
<br />
<br />Contractor shall refund any sum of money which has been paid to Contractor
<br />under this contract, which Department determines has resulted in overpayment
<br />to Contractor, or which Department determines has not been spent by Contractor
<br />strictly in accordance with the terms of this contract, Such refund shall be
<br />made by Contractur to U,S, Department of Housing of Urban Development (HUD)
<br />within thirty (30) working days after such refund is requested by Department,
<br />
<br />C , 11f!liLQ.U- i a bjJjJy
<br />
<br />Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the total of all amounts
<br />obligated by Department under this contract shall not exceed the sum of One
<br />Hundred Thousand and nollOO Dollars ($100,000,00),
<br />
<br />SlCl!ON ~,
<br />
<br />111 11 to 1l..f2l:" P AY,~.r N T.
<br />
<br />A, HUD's Cash and Management Information (C/M!) system for the Rental
<br />Rehabilitation Program, Notice CPO B4..8, issued September 17, 1984. and any
<br />modif'ications thereto. shall be used as the method for disbursement of rental
<br />rehabilitation funds obligated to Contractor under this contract,
<br />
<br />PAGE ;, Of 11
<br />