All that certain tract or parcel of land situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Paris. in Lamar
<br />County, Texas; part of the Reding Russell Survey, Abstract No. 786, and being all of the called 3.865 tract
<br />of land described in a Deed to the Lamar Partners„ LLC, and recorded in Document 135597-2016, of the
<br />Official Public Records of Lamar County, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit:
<br />BWm ing at a %a" rebar (set) for a corner in a West Line of US Highway 271 (aka North Main Street),
<br />same being the Northeast corner of said 3.865 acre tract, and same also being a Southeast corner of a tract
<br />of land in the name of Genco/TXU (elec. power substation);
<br />Thence S 02° 59' 59" E with an East Line of said 3.865 acne tract and with a West Line of said Highway
<br />271, a distance of 149.879', to a 4"x 4" concrete highway monument (found) in an angle point;
<br />Thence S 03136' 09" E with an East Line of said 3.865 acre tract and with a West Line of said Highway
<br />271, a distance of 187.822', to a W iron pin (found) for a corner in a West Line of said Highway 271, same
<br />being the Southeast comer of said 3.865 acre tract, and same also being the Northeast corner of a called
<br />2.172 acre tract of land described in a Deed to Donald Wikoft and recorded in Volume 971, Page 252, of
<br />the Real Property Records of Lamar County;
<br />Thence N 90° 00' 00" W with the South Line of said 3.863 acre tract and with the North Line of said 2.172
<br />acre tract, a distance of 620.665', to a W1 iron pin (found) for a comer in an Bast Line of the Kiamichi
<br />Railroad, same being the Southwest comer of said 3.865 tract, and some also being the Northwest corner of
<br />said 2.172 acre tract;
<br />Thence N 040 58' 45" E with a West Line of said 3.863 acre tract and with an East Line of said Railroad, a
<br />distance of 236.858', to a W rebar (set) for a comer in an East Line of said Railroad, same being the most
<br />Westerly Northwest corner of said 3.865 tract, and same also being the Southwest corner of said
<br />Genco/TXU tract;
<br />Thence N 890 48' 07" E with a North Line of said 3.865 acre tract and with a South Line of said
<br />Genco/TXU tract, a distance of 326.861', to a'h" iron pin (found) for a corner, same being an inside corner
<br />of said 3.865 acre tract, and same also being the most Southerly Southeast corner of said GencofI XU tract;
<br />Thence N 000 53' 50" E with a West Line of said 3.865 acre tract and with an East Line of said
<br />Genco/TXU tract, a distance of 99.631', to a W iron pin (found) for a corner, same being the most
<br />Northerly Northwest comer of said 3.865 we tract, and same also being an inside comer of said
<br />Genco/TXU tract;
<br />Thence N 89° 54'22' E with a North Line of said 3.865 acne tract and with a South Line of said
<br />Gencot= tract, a distance of 252.043 1, to the Puce of ftkning and containing 3.863 acres of land.
<br />The bearings recited herein are based upon the Centerline of said US Highway 82, being N 82° 34'
<br />00" E per TXDOT row map. I, Wendell Moore, RPLS #5723, hereby eertify that this survey was made on
<br />the ground by me or under my direst supervision, and shown accurately and correctly and on the attached
<br />plat, and the locations of all easements, row's, setback lines, and other matters affecting the subject
<br />property (whether of record or not), which are visible or which I have been advised, are shown or noted.
<br />Except as noted, there are no visible encroachments, protrusions, or conflicts.
<br />To TEKMAK Development Company,
<br />This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the
<br />2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and
<br />adopted by ALTA/NSPS, and includes items ,pone�uested of Table A thereof. The fieldwork was
<br />completed on October 27, 2021.
<br />•i
<br />EOF,TF�'
<br />,
<br />October 27, 2021 ;9
<br />