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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />Tuesday; May 17, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Discuss and consider approval of the April 2022 financial statements <br />Mr. Coleman reported on financials for April 2022. He stated that for the month of April, total assets were at <br />$8,590,947. Roughly $2.7 million of it was in cash, $2.1 million in investments, $300,000 in taxes receivable, and <br />$3.4 million was in the industrial park. Total liabilities were $2,452,660 from a loan with the City of Paris. This <br />left a net position of approximately $6,138,287 million. <br />He noted that the line item titled "industrial incentives" totaling $1,391,550 is understated due to the recent <br />addition of Blossom Aerospace. This adjustment will bring the amount to an estimated $1,500,000 and will be <br />reflected on next month's financials. <br />Mr. Coleman resumed discussion on the income statement, stating total revenues for the month were $126,657 <br />and expenses were $42,805, leaving a net position for the month of $79,457 after the interest deduction. <br />He closed by stating sales tax revenues were slightly down and referenced that in prior years April has never <br />been a high generating month for sales tax. There were no items of concern, and everything is within budget. <br />Mr. Coleman concluded by stating that we are continuing to have a strong year financially. <br />Mr. Terrell briefly inquired if the current April's sales tax was higher than last year's revenue. Mr. Bray and Mr. <br />Coleman confirmed that it was with a brief discussion. No additional questions followed. <br />Mr. Terrell made the motion to approve financials for the month of April. Mr. Homer seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 6 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Review and Discuss report from executive director, Maureen Hammond <br />Branding/Identity Project: Ms. Hammond reported that North Star conducted their familiarization tour and <br />interviews in Paris, Texas, from May 91h through May 12th. In total there were 10 focus groups with an average of <br />10 people per group. The groups consisted of Young Professionals, City Council, PEDC Board, Lamar County <br />Chamber Board, Business Community, Primary Employers, Realtors/Developers, City/PEDC/Chamber Staff, and <br />the Ministerial community. Several one-on-one interviews took place between focus groups to include nearly <br />30 community leaders and citizens. Ms. Hammond added that North Star reported interviews with a total of <br />approximately 100 people and noted that they felt very welcomed during their visit and had an impactful trip. <br />She concluded her report by thanking the board for the time they contributed to participating in the interviews <br />and for making the branding/identity project a priority. <br />Policy Review Committee: Dr. Hashmi, Mr. Homer, Mr. Roddy, and Ms. Hammond have completed review of the <br />operating standards and have determined the committee needs more time to evaluate the document and <br />ensure it is consistent with other internal policies. The committee plans to meet within the next 45 days with <br />final review within a couple months. <br />RFP for Lot Clearing and Cleanup of PEDC Sites: Request for bids were sent out on April 24th for the newly <br />acquired land next to Kimberly-Clark. Two bids were received in response to our request. Ms. Hammond noted <br />that staff needs time to evaluate the bids and will present a recommendation to the board in June. <br />Mr. Roddy inquired about shredding land maintenance at Gene Stallings Industrial Park. Ms. Hammond <br />responded that due to delays resulting from rains, the local company hired intends to complete work at <br />Northwest Industrial Park first and will start Gene Stallings Park afterwards for routine upkeep. <br />No additional questions followed these updates. <br />