<br />PISA ' _ ' <I�NG �ANDZ'O�TIyNGz CONIM3ISS-0
<br />107 EAST KAUFMAN
<br />00AVDAA ; AVIA Y 4}2 `20 2 3, It,
<br />The meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission was called called to order at
<br />5:30p.m. by Chairman Chad Lindsey.
<br />Commissioners Present: Chad Lindsey, Tylesha Ross -Mosley, Francine Neeley, Michael
<br />Mosher, Sims Norment
<br />Commissioners Absent: Austin Anthony
<br />2. Citizens' forum.
<br />(Persons desiring to address the Planning and Zoning Commission must limit their presentation to no more than two
<br />minutes. Unless an item is posted on the Agenda, the Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits the Commission from
<br />responding to any comments other than to refer the matter to a future agenda, to an existing policy, or to a staff person
<br />with specific factual information. Claims against the City, Council Members, or employees, as well as individual personal
<br />appeals are not appropriate for citizens' forum.)
<br />The citizen's forum was declared open. With no one speaking, the forum was declared
<br />closed.
<br />3. Approve minutes from the meeting of April 04, 2022.
<br />A motion to approve the minutes for the April 04, 2022 meeting was made by Clifton
<br />Fendley, seconded by Tylesha Ross -Mosley. Motion carried 6-0.
<br />4. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of the City of Paris for a
<br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Commercial (C) to Low Density Residential
<br />(LDR) in the City of Paris, City Block 170-C, Lots 14-C, 14-D, 14-E, 17, 18, 13A, 13,
<br />12, 11, 14-B, PT of 14, 16, 2-1, being located at 2520,. 2510, 2350, 2340, 2330, 2320,
<br />2310, 2296, 2286, 2530, 2640, 2710 and 2280 SE 3rd Street, Newberry Addition CB 167,
<br />Block 167, Lot 4, being located at 2705 SE 3rd Street, City Block 167, Lot 3B and 5,
<br />being located at 2400 BLK and 2735 SE 3rd Street- LCAD #'s 100434, 100439, 101536,
<br />70336, 70937, 70742, 70739, 71188, 71599, 71393, 100436, 106759, 71625, 119215,
<br />71892, 71884 and 71893.
<br />