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KHM <br />stra6` s 0.57 <br />/ <br />srarr exrto�a /!, <br />_ asad within the ootponbe limits of the City of Paris, Lamar County. Tom, said <br />Being 4.599-0ires of land eitu <br />4.549 stress being part of tate Joseph T.eeelt Survey, Abstract Number 524 w well as being all of a called 4.599 <br />V= tract of land conveyed f}+om David IL Robinson and Brenda L. Robinow to Whir(Meek) Paand <br />nk4 <br />pWW Magan can March 21, 2019 by Warranty Deed reca %W in Lamar County Cl eW s Document N=ber <br />161041-2019, The said 4.599 tract being mom fally deetcrfbed by trand boards as follows: <br />Beginning ai a % Inch iron rod fwd at the exrtrent Southeast cornea of a called 1.470 sere tract of land <br />conveyed from SC Munthappa to RKMS Paris LLC on lune 09, 2016 by Warirrsty Deed recorded in Lamar <br />Canty Clo&s Docwnetrt Number 134116.2016 and also the Southeast norms of Lot 1, Bloch A n shown cc <br />the Replat of Oak Ridge 318 Additiao recorded in Ls.arar County Plat Records Envelope 461-D, and said rod <br />also being in the Norte right of way line of US Loop 286; <br />Them North 1002634" Fart, along the west boundary line of the aforamttitioned Pank4 tract and the Eat <br />/�botuda►i' line of the af0xrmcaooe <br />tid Lot i at a disunoe of 31352 feet pasting a K inch upped (Whitley) iron <br />rod fad at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 and at the Southeast corner of a called 1.470 turns t=act of land <br />um <br />/ conveyed from �h Patel to 13HOLE BABA CORP an October 10, 2017 by General Wartsaty Deed recorded <br />/ in Lamar County CIWI Document Number 147483-2017 and said rod also being the Southeast ecroeer of Lot 2, <br />Block A of Oak Ridge Addition 318 as recorded In L ww County Plats Reco is Envelope 45i -D, and continuing <br />/ on td 55 .61 feet passing a S4 hwb upped (Whitley) icon rod found at the Northeast cornu of said Lot 2 and at <br />/ the Sou dmW corner of a 5 foot »ght of way d: dic ow shown on said Plat of Oak Ridge Addition 3 I recorded <br />/ In envelope 455-D and coniauing w for a total dista m of 559.76 feel to a % Inch capped bw rod MWttey) <br />/ found at the Northwest corner of said Panlatij tract, and at the Northern corner of tht aforementioned 5 foot right <br />of way dedication, and nld rod also being in due South right of way line of Carter Stle et (4S rigbi of way as per <br />Plea Records Panvelope 310-A); <br />Thence North 37�1M3 East, along the North boundary line of the aforenocntioaed Pank4 tract end the <br />Sonrth fi& of way line of Center Street, a distnac a of 454.84 feet to a % inch upped ()vM10101 1 -1) iron rod <br />ft" at the Nothwea corner of a called 10.487 sere tract of land conveyed fium David R- Rabifu to O nt <br />nal Sberti Mans on December 22, 2010 by warranty Deed recorded in Lamar CoumY <br />Number 084483-2010; <br />Tbence South 191102"20" Wart, along the Wean boundary line of the afoxetutntionod Man tract, 61 a di90= <br />of 346.02 feet passing a % itch capped (??bodes) iaaru rod found as the most North= Southwest costar of said <br />Marrs tract and st the Northwest cornua of a called 2.618 acre tract of Land conveyed from CeMc Bask <br />Corporation to Kemoath LLC on August 12, 2013 by Wwmrdyadwfth Vendces Lien recorded sad Keunna Lamar <br />Cowry Cfadc a Document Number 1082189-2013 and oontim»ng ong tha <br />'Wert boundary 1. Lc tract for a total distance of 406.23 feet to a point at the Northmot coma of a called 1.1552 sere tinct of <br />land cmuveyed from David R- Robinson to cony Dane Watters an Novmber 18, 2016 by Wartsnty Deed <br />recorded In Lamar Cm y Cledes Domawaet Number 138291-2016 tad at the Nordmast comer of Lot 1, Block <br />A of DQ No. 2 Addition CB 318 rocoeded in Lamar County plat Records Envelope 462-1), and from said point a <br />% inch cM)ed (Chaney) iron rod fund bears South 70 -SMV East a distatuce of 0.57 feat; <br />Thee North 70.5BW West, &Jong the Nor@r boundary line of the aforementioned Walters tract and the <br />North boundary line c t afore ��the NortLot 1, Block hof DQ No. 2 Addition, a west coma <br />of said Wahers tactand� Northwest corner <br />of 147.86 fed to a <br />5S inch capped (Chaney) iron <br />of said Lot 1, Block A of DQ No 2 Addifim <br />7berm South 19003108" Wim, along the West boundary Brae of the aforementioned Watters tract ted the <br />West boundary line of the aforemeut+oned Lot 1, Block A of DQ No. 2 Addition, a distance of 336.53 feat to a <br />% Lncb capped (Chanty) Iron, rod found at the Southwest comet of said Watters tract and at the Southwest corner <br />of said Lot 1, and Bald rod also being in the North right of way line of US Loop Numba 286; <br />79 feet to <br />Thence North 54.45'33" Watt, akx*ibeWorth fight of way line of USLoop 1 8}adiron rod , adistance �off 1000.7 South % inch iron rod found, and faros Wd iron rod a % inch upped (M'I' 1 <br />80'08'03" East a distance of 0.07 feet; <br />Thence Nonan 7413 3'46" West, along the North right of Way lite of US Loop 286, a ditto= of 94.81 feet to <br />the point of $*ginning uta caetjLb ttQ 4.599 acres of laud. <br />Fxh;bit A <br />