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6.) THENCE along the monumented east right-of-way line of 34th Street NW and the west boundary line <br />of Northwest Paris Industrial Park as follows: North 02 deg. 39 min. 40 sec. East, a distance of 266.74 <br />feet to a found 1/2 -inch iron rod; North 01 deg. 50 min. 56 sec. East, a distance of 110.98 feet to a point in <br />a curve to the right in the south right-of-way line of Loop Highway 286 for the northwest comer of said <br />Block A, from which a found 1/2 -inch iron rod with cap bears South 01 deg. 50 min. 56 sec. West, <br />distance of 0.29 feet, and a TxDOT Type I concrete monument found in the south right-of-way line of <br />Loop Highway 286 bears South 50 deg. 53 min. 46 sec. West, a distance of 190.74 feet; <br />7.) THENCE along the south right-of-way line of Loop Highway 286 as follows: with said curve to the <br />right having a radius of 2697.79 feet, a central angle of 15 deg. 34 min. 25 sec., an arc length of 733.29 <br />feet, and a chord that bears North 60 deg. 42 min. 32 sec. East, a distance of731.04 feet to a TxDOT Type <br />I concrete monument found for the end of said curve to the right; North 68 deg. 19 min. 28 sec. East, a <br />distance of 386.24 feet to a set 1/2 -inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 5469"; North 71 deg. 22 min. <br />13 sec. East, a distance of 24.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 19.58 acres of land. <br />