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<br />,,~-, ,"'~'",,,,-:\.;~!~.~."'--'-""'_. <br /> <br />"'. <br /> <br />tile budget is not approved. It is Lessee's intent to make LeHse Payments for the full <br />Lease Term if funds are legally available therefore, and in tha t regard Lessee represents <br />that the use of the Equipment is essential to its proper, efficient and economic <br />operation. <br /> <br />4. NONAPPROPlUATION OF FUNDS. In ttle event no funds or insufficient funds <br />are appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise avaiJnble by any meHns whatsoever in any <br />fiscal period for Lease Payments due under this Lease, then tile Lessee will immediately <br />notify the Lessor or its assignee of such occurrence and this L!::'tse shall t~;t'fn ina te on the <br />last day of the fiscnl period for which appropriations were received without penalty or <br />esxpense to Lessee of any kind whatsoever, except as to the pOi'tions of Lease PaYi,,"cnts <br />herein agreed upon for which funds shall havc been appropriated and budgeted or are <br />otherwise available. In the event of such termination, Lessee agrees to peaceably <br />surrenrler possession of the Eqllipment to Lessor or its assignee on the da te of such <br />termination, packed for shipment in accordance with manufacturer specifications and <br />freight prepaid and insured to any location in the continental United States designated by <br />Lessor. Lessor will havc all legal and cquitablc rights and rcmedies to takc posscssion of <br />the Equipment. <br /> <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee agrees that: (i) it will not cancel this <br />Lease under the provisions of this Section if any funds are appropriated to it, 01' by it, for <br />the acquisition, retention or operation of the Equipment or other equipment performing <br />functions similar to the Equipment for the fiscal period in which such termination occurs <br />or the next succeeding fiscal period thereafter and (ji) it will not during the Lease Term <br />give priority in the applieation of funds to any other functionally similar equipment. This <br />paragraph will not be construed so as to permi t Lessee to term inate this Lease in order <br />to acquire any other equipment or to allocate funds directly 0[' indirectly to perform <br />essentially tile same application for which the Equipment is intended. <br /> <br />5. LIMITATION ON WARRANTIES. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that the <br />Equipment is of a size, design, and capacity selected by Lessee, that Lessor is neither a <br />manufacturer nor a vendor of such equipment and that LESSOR HAS NOT MADE, AND <br />DOES NOT HEREBY MAKE, ANY REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY, OR COVENANT, <br />EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE MERCHANTABILITY, CONDITION, <br />QUALITY, DURABILITY, DESIGN, OPERATION, FITNESS FOR USE, OR SUITABILITY <br />OF THE EQUIPMENT IN ANY RESPECT WHATSOEVER OR IN CONNECTION WITH OR <br />FOR THE PURPOSES AND USES OF LESSEE, OR ANY OTHER REPRESENTATION, <br />WARRANTY, OR COVENANT OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, <br />WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND LESSOR SHALL NOT BE OBLIGATED Oil LIABLE <br />FOR ACTUAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGES OF OR TO <br />LESSEE OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION <br />WITH TIlE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF TilE EQUIPMENT ,\ND TilE MAINTENANCE <br />THEREOF. <br /> <br />Lessor hereby assigns to Lessee during the Lease Term, so long as no Event of <br />Default bas occurred hereunder and its" continuing, all manufacturer's warranties, if any, <br />expressed or implied with respect to the Equipment, and Lessor authorizes Lessee to <br />obtain the customary services furnished in connection with such warranties at Lessee's <br />expense. <br />