<br />„. see .� ^:.:u ��u .°:::+:° ^.m r � ^'°-° m.., �„'..,. r�'t a. aly. � d ,^:. ^, ,,. i ,°.... F x, °°, ^ ,:: ,::. h �°m;° a�, Ru' I" c 0,
<br />a,r°aaaal�..l �Ilil�:::: ,,",�„Ilu�lGi,.»��al "��Il�::��m jai ��ila°:.,u�. ����� u����°�m� Ilei:: ��I��..:�:4 iI„�,i::::aVw�l. tiu�.u�r`r� I skou� �°al���::,��:�ll�i�y��::�n �^'z uu>I,V^�r::i�::a���i�� �:::�i i:.lu� Il�::�x,..::” l�� u��ii:���r,1 ,�,14,1�::r::�"
<br />11 �1" % beirii k� °„a++��"d �",wO" and a ilt'�V%v ' g,� flz,ri,�:Ri �tl)ts) �";dr 'fir ��10' by ^1.�,,0', 1'1 "�;!IIIriiii �,�filblf,�:;�`il4,m°r Y ���I++" all t'::I)ds fits �o aetlo,1�;iI'^:, a+�lt ll,°^:&qs p?°:�!irit,,
<br />is V a.a br is
<br />Iawy 1,iave IitlQSiltsi all ltaq,M taaVr4"1e �l�1sY. Wlleerin our .V, 1i@V„,II. fiVYDeflia'
<br />4r9""11s4 of tllla"1':g i "ull'.e V.11(,') h+°k 11"`I"IE"t. iV"'V
<br />a°aa+lriaig for Iii-rit::tre de^I':ail,
<br />3) Design. In front of the homes, allow for rolled curbs and sidewalks that are flush with the curbs. This allows for a
<br />larger backyard for families to be able to enjoy while also providing a smaller front yard to maintain. Therefore, the front
<br />yards are easier and cheaper for owners to keep maintained and looking nice and they have more backyard for play sets,
<br />entertaining, and their pets. The Betenbough home I bought in Lubbock was like this and I loved it. It was very nice
<br />having the smaller front yard with a bigger backyard and my wife and I loved how the sidewalks were when walking our
<br />dogs. We also loved the "feel" it gives to the neighborhood. I attached a picture below to provide a visual. (The
<br />sidewalks are not poured directly up to the curb. There is an inch or so of special material that goes between the curb
<br />and sidewalk for expansion.)
<br />l"tllt ttot ail riuge fair11 of "tiideiv@Hcs ttiat aii, a iiIVVIIiI7IediokWy M1"".ff I ie 1:°,ack r,:ur0m. I NAas JiI°ast in, a?u that ["a d t[,ii°s,
<br />and a�i iluat,a0Yaii,ltwo people were Valk.i itiitwas aaAaas aP + 4i the ad ^ eraao e you lal' ilakeyr.ai aa were going
<br />to:
<br />faalll (,)fI the cuHs the Irf,ad ^alru 9way, i°alaaw w itla the rm'::Idur,i,d SE11,mcks re(,,lluesat+ed Daaalow, tt-i re ii r,�aafly is arta ot!"ie if
<br />we wa'ialltll auotie,A),a+aIlarn I IPivaik %A,* ia"Ia. uiva+ .1l5' nnirtiimnur i ,a,retbait,lks ,ai d aillanv diue ,stili, awaaIk to N,,, calf ttie back ati
<br />Otda.. V uln iii, „u4 .°at°ait:.m wli,°i C. ll:aa.°ieiultt:^ui.agh lute^ Iltaaa,^a:i illt" I a:°las^l lautalsw: anal. as 1i1191aAiaa4iiti utt::ateti flimllarli rias^Itlllia,ate.a6 Illiiii,a fra:a>I°art:
<br />auuh bat:Jk yards vl(e aa.ua5°' lY I�iire'bliaEa^ fi'Cr lbackyai,,cls ffiaia llie eaaa) were (Jeep aaaad uii arcl, ir„ it yards suiia4.d
<br />iroir°'ll 20' to 30' as ta"ia+ ea,(es v all aed,
<br />4) Setbacks. Front 10 feet, sides 5 feet, and rear 20 feet. I am not 100% sure what the PD setbacks are currently, but
<br />this is what would be needed for us to work for AI's plans.
<br />Ialaaalitally do ialagree cl li 10' a uilaaq^.. k t^aryMiiie if ft: to- ^10" at :.. latfre for st triayt"
<br />, iulltaat
<br />aim�i° aiattlotm,,A
<br />its w,different
<br />iiix w1. dikariiri° 9 iav l pi I aar� a:°u„aaaauiiai^alaeei10:' .rc ril,aak ffaeiy^ieie,
<br />Va'to 20' as 1itleast, l'ayseen, Yai.t have
<br />to, taaiatdar °tt,,"a1a3uytuii iituanutuu iti,
<br />aalIl lta.aay"sllxa,.�iutu�.�a�i�r �klgarage,
<br />ua,.p�6i
<br />a y..,::: a ares, au (311 P° b ' you ,:: a e `s a r setback,
<br />.. ,':i r f s s° i o. y
<br />fl,ie i..vaiu,ai..upa In y„nai flr ,illtfl iai.,niii..k aaittfl aallll ,t,at:^a ll�h,awa . t, ,pa lfl� ,ra�llaat��:a'tik cars ata:.i� l�aaaai i�':.t,l in vJlui° b^aaaiaai�C„ra awa�ai,�ls°� �ia� Vu���'.iil�„liiila a�a�y1 liui ��.1P��ia�a
<br />a0 teat,aIt tx lt�t:::t(ed �g n^'k',1e,wat*s,
<br />15' skle yard cori,iirnori,
<br />I'd Iita:a fli6te a°a 10 rea:'ar, yard, 1 IVa°aflks°uvvhaal: our fl° aiidilta^ance calls 'foit” aar')y6Vay,
<br />5) Paving. Allow for asphalt streets with concrete curb and gutter. After going over the development numbers, with
<br />where prices are right now, it is very tight. Allowing for asphalt helps allow the economics to stay in tact if, by the time
<br />streets are poured, concrete is still so much higher than asphalt. The picture below provided for number 3 also shows
<br />asphalt streets with concrete curb and gutter, which is what Betenbough builds exclusively to help make the price point
<br />of the homes work.
<br />if vie re':allt4�+lrela 11hiar y+11�a"e Isar ui4,t°'",aa syr.'flk'1^ed,)illliical i l,(e j u q, 1 ,^^ ,I ra+ e y a:::y a+ a.r e a+aa a
<br />a ° i,t, � ° b.:a as .:, ti�,,ailt.a�r wur:::lli aiu�tlll�lsl �taat,.,.a i t a,.a� i ifu..^ ,.ItLl�lla.. t� a^1�:r14^iattt itl:.aallud 4.loeo°i
<br />i e4,p,alilire d uta+Iroaai, lJMtaiuys Iizw iiu llt U,,. t['e m0riaaaia° rrii starxiaird flirorn tlliaat re,,staa°t, iia a ada°flir1:^in°arl , we i>rtta,.+t pre aa�°,: tuov(,,�,a tI[le
<br />g(I'loQ.a;!Pa^ltitlla,mSl lalliaa ti,,iiaa11 ti4&41''Ma thio li"iY"'4'+° ilgal+'lloirlii.
<br />0
<br />