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0 <br />F97TIMMMITTKOTNTMIUM. M-. RIMIMM <br />400 West Sherman Street, Paris, Texas 75460-5CAG <br />Health District (903) 7854561 and Fax: (903) 737-0978 <br />Women, Infant and Children (WI(903) 784.1411 and Fri: (903) 784-1442 <br />'The Paris -Lamar County Board of Health held a regular session on Monday, July 18 1h 2022. <br />Board Member's Name - In Attendance Not in Attendance <br />_____..__..._......._._..m._.._..._._...... <br />Ms. Susan Bellene X <br />Dr. Myers Hurt III X <br />Ms. Mitzie Pirtle X <br />Dr. Russell P,utnamX <br />.. . . .... . .. ..... <br />Vacant X <br />Dr. Ross Williams, X -viiia Facetime <br />Ms. Susan DavisX <br />. . . .. ...... <br />Others in Attendance were - <br />Gina; Prestridge, Executive Director X <br />Cheryl King, Administrative Assistant X <br />Johnna McNeal, CPA X <br />1. Dr. Putnam called the meeting to, order in open session at 5:31 pm, Dr, Myers <br />Hurt, III, made a motion and was seconded by Ms. Plir,tle, to convene into open <br />session,, Motion carried. 4 yays, 0 nays. <br />2. Mitzie Pirtle made a motion and was seconded by Dr. Hurt to approve prior <br />meetings minutes. Motion carried. 4 gays, 0 nays. <br />3. Dr. Putnam signed the, request from Apex for a public information request on <br />2735 South Church Street for health permits, complaints and investigations & <br />water quality, water quality monitoring, wastewater discharges, permits, <br />stormwater pond compliance and septic system compliance. <br />4. Mrs,, Prestridge advised the board that the Paris -Lamar County Health District has <br />been approved to receive approximately $250,000. DSRIP Grant money around <br />July 311t. <br />5. Mrs. Pres,tridge advised the board that, at the suggestion of our outside <br />auditors, at Malnory, McNeal & Company firm, that several additional signers <br />have been added to the First Federal bank account and the Chairman of <br />the board will also sign any checks in the amount over $151,000, In addition to any <br />bonus checks, awarded to the Executive Director. Signers now include G. <br />Pres,tridge, C. Ding, C. HIM, A. Green, A. Jlustiss, E. Neeley, Dr. R. W. Putnam. Also, <br />the pledged securities amount has been increased to $3,000.000. on the First <br />Federal account to cover the Paris -Lamar County Health District account balance. <br />Paris Larnar Counly Board of Health Members <br />Vire-Chair?nan­ Di.WalkerPPutnwn SeClclwy- <br />[�Pr, Ross Will iawn S Di-, Myers Hurt 111 u),, U00 2021.'d Susan DaOs <br />