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NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION <br />To the Registered Voters of the City of Paris, Texas: <br />Notice is herby given that the polling place listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 <br />p.m. on November 8, 2022, for voting in the special election for the purpose of considering <br />the following proposed amendments to the City Charter: <br />Proposition A <br />Shall Sec. 17 of the Charter be amended to provide that a member of the Council shall <br />immediately forfeit his or her office if he or she fails to attend at least 75% of council meetings in <br />any year from the first meeting in May to the last meeting in April, unless excused by the <br />remaining members of the Council? <br />Proposition B <br />Shall Sec. 21(2) of the Charter be amended to provide that the City Council shall have authority <br />to establish administrative departments but not to distribute the work of divisions within such <br />departments, in order to reflect current operations and policy? <br />Proposition C <br />Shall Sec. 38 of the Charter be amended to delete outdated language related to retirement <br />pensions, insurance, and disabled employees, in order to reflect current operations and policy? <br />Proposition D <br />Shall Sec. 43 of the Charter be amended to clarify that the City Manager may distribute the work <br />of each administrative department without establishment of an ordinance, in order to reflect <br />current operations and policy? <br />Proposition E <br />Shall Sec. 48 of the Charter be amended to provide that the City Manager is not required to <br />cause copies of the City budget, to be copied and distributed to all interested persons? <br />Proposition F <br />Shall Sec. 49 of the Charter be amended to provide that the City Council shall fix the time and <br />place for a public hearing on the budget, but is not required to do so at the meeting at which the <br />budget is submitted, in order to reflect current operations and policy? <br />Proposition G <br />Shall Sec. 50 of the Charter be amended to delete unnecessary language referring to <br />adjournment of public hearings on the budget? <br />1 <br />