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AFFIRMATIVE MARKIsTING <br />The City will adopt appropriate procedures and requirements for <br />affirmatively marketing units in rehabilitated projects through <br />the provisions of information regarding the availability of units <br />that are vacant after rehabilitation or that later become vacant. <br />Affirmative marketing steps consist of good faith efforts to <br />provide information and otherwise to attract eligible persons <br />from all racial, ethnic and gender groups in the housing; market <br />area to the available housing. <br />(These affirmative marketing <br />procedures will not apply to units rented to families with <br />,housing assistance provided by PHA). The City will establish <br />procedures, requirements and assessment criteria for marketing; <br />units in the rental rehabilitation program in the rental re- <br />habilitation program that are appropriate to accomplish <br />affirmative marketing objectives. The City will annually assess <br />the affirmative marketing program to determine: good faith efforts <br />that have been made to carry out such procedures and requirements; <br />objectives that have been met; corrective actions that are required. <br />The City will develop and adopt procedures on Lheifollowing: <br />Methods for informing the pubic, owners and PyLentia.l <br />tenants about Federal fair housing laws and the grantee's <br />affirmative marketing policy (such as the use of the Equal. <br />Housing Opportunity logotype or slogan in press releases <br />and solicitations for owners, and written c o loll U Q u a L i o n S Lo <br />fair housing and other groups. <br />Requirements and practices each owner must adhere to in order <br />to carry out the grantee's affirmative marketing procedures <br />and requirements (e.g.,use of commercial media, use of <br />community contacts, use of the Equal Housing; Opportunity <br />logotype or slogan, display of fair housing poster). <br />Procedures to be used by owners to inform and solicit appli- <br />cations from persons in the housing market area who are not <br />likely to apply for the housing without spec:i_al. outreach <br />(e.g., use of community organizations, churches, employment <br />centers, fair housing groups or housing; counseling agencies). <br />Records that will be kept describing efforts taken by the r <br />grantee and by the owners to affirmatively market units and <br />records to assess the results of these actions. <br />A description of how the grantee will assess the affirmative <br />efforts of owners, and the results of those efforts, <br />and what corrective actions will be taken where an owner fails <br />to follow these affirmative marketing requirements. <br />So Cer fled. <br />Ci y Manager <br />6r 3.1 N.T��j li.1, iiil7J �d4+� Di, <br />M. <br />