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PROGRAM SUMMARY <br />CITY OF PARIS <br />RENTAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM <br />In addition to its HUD CDBG owner- occupied rehabilitation the City of Paris <br />operates a rental rehabilitation program utilizing CDBG funds to underwrite <br />low interest loans subordinated to private investment in order to bring <br />rental property up to local building codes. Tenants occupying these units <br />are then assisted under the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program. City <br />loans represent from 20 -40% of the total funds needed to rehabilitate <br />these units. <br />It is the City's wish to continue this activity under the Texas Rental <br />Rehabilitation Program. It is proposed that the City will rehabilitate a <br />minimum of twenty additional substandard units utilizing $100,000 of TRRP <br />funds. <br />NEIGHBORHOOD SELECTION <br />The attached map indicates the area in which the TRRP would operate. The <br />demographics of this area were complied by the PHA, Assisted Housing <br />Administrator, and City CD Staff. It is characterized by: older housing, a <br />substantial portion of renter occupied prOnerty, structures ranging from <br />single - family to small multi - family predomi na rice of moderate and lower income <br />residents, racial mixture of minority and non - minority, commercial and <br />residential re- development and successful operation of rental assistance <br />program. Statistics taken from 1980 Census (enclosed ). <br />LOW /MODERATE INCOME BENEFIT <br />In order to minimize displacement of occupied units while at the same time <br />maximize success of this program, the City will insure a 70% benefit to low/ <br />moderate income persons. This will be accomplished by making a tenant income <br />review of occupied units part of the feasibility hrocess,assisting eligible <br />applicants with Section 8 certificates and filling vacant rehabilitated units <br />from the PHA's waiting list. <br />BENEFIT TO LARGE FAMILIES <br />70% of all units selected for rehabilitation will contain two or more bedrooms. <br />If units are occupied prior to rehabilitation, care will be taken to select <br />units which have size appropriate families already in residence. <br />SELECTION OF PROPOSALS <br />Following a public notice of availability of rehabilitation funds, proposals <br />will be selected on a first come, first served basis which meet the following <br />criteria: <br />- Units are located in designated area <br />- Units are in need of repair <br />- After rehabilitation rents are at or below Sec. 8 I =MR. <br />