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11rRXIIHIII.B1111"I" AI <br />Dmetions Delegated to the Larnar County Electin nsAdininistrator <br />I a Am"ange for the notificatiork, including writs of Election., training, and compensation fi)r <br />al.1 presiding.judges, alternateJudges md clerls-s, <br />2. Provide training of all. elcction workers and personnel. <br />3. Provide training materials fior each election worker. <br />4. 1"'he 11"Iections A(Irnindstrator will I)e responsible fbir notifying each election Judge and <br />alternate judge of his or her appointTmerit and R)r det(­.,;rrn.iaing the number of'clerks or, <br />othe,r election wor][ce-rs authorized to worhl at each voting location., <br />5,, Arrant,e loo the ase and c.omptmsation of polling locations. <br />Pay cost cal elec,dorm judges and cl.crks: Each electionjudge and clerk will receive' $1 0 2 0 ' <br />l)er hour (fior amaximann of]/[ hours), The 0ection. judge or his desiw!iated cicr will <br />rec(,',ive an additional$25.00 for delivefing elec.tion returns and su.pplies to the Elections <br />Administrator"s Officc7a—fte"i the polls close (See attached Estimated Costs for Elc(..,,tion). <br />7, Procure, prepare, proof arid. distril-nite ballots. (See attached Esfim.,ated Costs f(:)r <br />Election). <br />K. Proci.irc, pt-cpare and dist6bute clectionjudgc kits. (See altached Estiniated Costs J.(.)r <br />Elec&)n). <br />9. Prepare the list of registered voters to be used. in conducting tbe election. at no cost. <br />10. Cond-u(,A the testing oft'lle eleclxorfic tabulati.0111 equipment, <br />11. Supervise the handling and disposition of election retim-anis, voted. ballots, and to <br />unofficial returns and. assist in preparing the to f6r the official canvass, <br />12. Provide at, no cost for tl-w storage of election rccords as jxovided t)y <br />1.3. Provideat no cost, copies of all irrvoices received by the E'llections Administrator's Office <br />fi_)T' paymcnt of services or supplies of which each contra,(.1ting Jurisdiction, as applicat)le, <br />is to reimburse the Elections Oflice f6r payment. <br />14, Supervise the conduct, of early voting in per -son and. by mail ari(.1 supply personnel to <br />serve as deputy early voting cleflcs, ( Baca aftached Estimated C'osts fbir Elections), <br />15. All re(Itiests for early voting lballot's by mail that are received. by each contracting <br />Jurisdiction will be transported by 11m;., Jurisdi.c.tion. on. the day of recGipt to thc Elections <br />Office for processing. Ilersons voting by mail will sen.d their mark -ed baallots tcx the <br />Elections Office. (See attached I, stimated Costs for Election). <br />16. An Early Voting Ballot l3oard appoint(A Iby the E"Ilections Office will prepare all afly <br />voting ballots (tlose cast I')y rnail and. thos(.- cast by p(;rsonal appearance) f6r count, (See <br />attached Estirnated Costs fior, Mcctions). <br />IT Hire arid train early voting ballot board central count personnel. <br />18.The Elections Office will be responsible for 'jmyment to all parties who have provided <br />seviees, supplies and. vol ' ing locations forr the election, A contracting Jurisdiction shall <br />not be liablea <br />to ny t1drd parties by default of the Elections Office iin connection witli <br />liolding the election, inclu.(Iing Failure by Lamar County or its Elections Office to pay for <br />services, supplies and. voting lo(.-ations f6r this elecItion, <br />Ilhe Elections Administralm's Office will set the dates for., early voting tc) be open on. <br />Monday-, April 24, 2023, and continue throtiiigh "I"iiiiesday May 2, 2023, dtarimig rimix-null <br />business hours of 8:010 aainii. matil 5:00 p.m. <br />